Friday, March 14, 1986

The Bicycle Wreck...and memories... - 1986

So this is where it happened...the bike wreck.  Here in Pinson, AL.  I don't remember all the details, but I was at the bottom of those stairs in front, and started peddling along the walkway (it seemed a lot steeper back then), rounding the walkway and heading straight toward what I remember as a blue car.  I had problems around this time using the brake, and had not mastered that technological advance, so I hit the car going fast enough to drive my palm through the car rear light busting the plastic.  And that is where the memory ended...
This was the house of the Hot Pot Pie incident...where I dropped the pot pie on my inner thigh giving myself very severe burns.  I still remember seeing my skin turn white and peel off with the bandages.  Remember being rushed to the bathtub and running water over my new burns. 
This is the house where I traded baseball cards with my friend (or perhaps just person my mom made me interact with) Terry, and got the coveted 1987 Donruss Don Mattingly.  Don't know what I traded for it, but as we would have said in the day "I would've given my left nut for it". 
This is the house I remember my mom doing Jane Fonda workouts because I loved to hear Queen's "Another one Bites the Dust".  The backyard where I dreamed of being quarterback for the Auburn Tigers.  The neighborhood where the girl on a bicycle crashed into a mailbox and had to be airlifted to the hospital.  Some embarrassing memories that I'll just hold on to for the moment.  The house where we first used a VCR...and then filled our only tape with Spencer's Mountain...Com'n Dad...I think we still have that tape.  And the first movie I ever remember watching on VHS...Karate Kid I.  Weird but this house often ends up in mind as I listen to books describing home.  
Just two pics...lots of little random memories...