Friday, May 15, 1998

Crazy little thing called Love...

Where did it all begin?  Backward blogging really challenges the memories, as some are so clear, but others are mixed in a soupy collection of good, bad and ugly.  But it begins just prior to where this written note alludes too...and while cloudy, there are two memories that pre-date our K-mart romance....
The first was a basketball game at Danville perhaps, which was after a Math tournament.  Don't know why we would have been playing basketball on a Saturday, but I remember math, I remember lunch, then I remember that must have been the order.  But more than any of that, I remember Alan driving me and a collection of gals to the basketball game after the tournament.  And that collection of gals included Magan, Deidra, and Jessica.  This was during my senior year of high school, and my self confidence with girls was somewhat at a peak, altho at 17, self confidence is probably just an unhealthy mixture of testosterone and imagination. 
But at lunch, I had a long talk with a local Vinemont cheerleader, that shall remain nameless, but the conversation peaked my interest.  Then on a crazy high (figurative, not literal), I started flirting with the other gals in the back seat on the way to the basketball game.  And that crazy high made me think, crazy as it might sound, that I had a shot with Magan Ratcliff.  Alas, it did not work out at this time, but there was a spark...perhaps something to explore later...which leads to the second memory that is murky, and Magan does not remember, which makes me question it, but I still see a last period of school, and that sweet smiling Magan working out upstairs in the gym.  She has probably never had the will power to work out without someone to talk to, and that day I was one of the lucky ones.  I don't remember a thing she said (haha), but remember that she was beautiful that day in a little pony tail, and so sweet. 
Which leads to a K-mart romance that began with many many nights chatting  away next to that Black Elantra.  Loving to see her laugh, and doing everything I could to see it as many times as I could before she would leave me.  At the time, her boyfriend was in the store working the night shift, and my gal was probably at home with parents.   I floated home with heart beating fast after those late night conversations.  She most likely sped off hoping to not get a ticket as her mom was going to kill her for being late...again. 
Then it finally happened, during the summer after my freshman year, and as soon as I could get her alone at K-mart, we sat together during breaktime with the smells of crazy bread in the background.  Conversation continued just like it had always...both of us laughing, me intoxicated by that smile...dear me that smile...and those eyes.  I was not dating anyone, and she informed me that she had been seeing another guy at K-mart (It is a small world at K-mart), but it was not serious.  So out it went..."So if another guy asked you out, could you be free tonight"...And she said yes...head spinning...happy dance...hold it in.  The kiss was later that night, haha, after a trip to Denny's.  Kids, no poking fun, I was 18 and we were in Cullman, Denny's was the other side of town, and guaranteed me maximum time with the most beautiful girl I have ever met. 
And at Denny's, we ran into Misty Jo ?something?, and she invited us to a play the following night at Wallace.  So there you go, May 16th, 1998, and I took Magan out on our first date.  Looks like City of Angels was the first movie, although she often thought it was Deep Impact, but I later corrected her, and helped her realize that was with another guy.  And of course it was brought up many times later.  But K-mart was where it all really began...and the start of a wonderful summer where this stock boy LOVED each call of Code 1 to the front (Need Buggies), because I got to walk to the front and see that beautiful girl in one of her stunning long sundresses, sometimes hair up, but more often down.  Still love to make her laugh, but when those eyes squint tight and that smile goes wide, I am still that stock boy longing to get a glimpse of her as I walk by to get more buggies.