Tuesday, December 15, 1998

Chattanooga with my gal

First trip out of state with Magan.  We have made it to many more states since, but the first trip was to Chattanooga.  It is kind of weird looking thru albums before digital pictures...not very many pictures.  Anyway, I knew Magan might be the one, when she put up with me on that trip that morning.  I have always had stomach issues when I don't eat breakfast, or when my schedule it made up, and she sat patiently at a McDonalds on the way that morning as I "overcame" my stomach issues.  How embarrassing!  Still is embarrassing, but now shared with future blog readers to see that it worked out anyway.  Oh well, we hit the Aquarium (Just one building at the time, not two as it is now) and I don't know if we saw any of the fish, just smiling and googley eyed at being together, holding hands. 
Ruby falls was next, and Magan has gotten much better taking pictures as this picture below of me is really not very good.  :)  Anyway, we met the cutest little girl in the cave, and just had to get her picture.  I have always had a soft spot for those little girls.  Magan says this girl was another reason she fell in love with me...knew I would be a good dad.    And I think this picture with John was when I got home, it was right in with this trip in my album, and I liked it, so I guess John was happy that I was home from Chattanooga also.  :)  Crazy to think he was that little when I had already moved out of the house. 
So to be fair to the timeline, this is really close to the end of me and Magan's relationship.  Shortly after January 1999, and after I began work in Grenada, MS, things just didn't work out.  If facebook was around, her status went to single, and mine to "Its complicated", but I was just in denial.    Probably lots of reasons why, with me being a butt as primary.  Anyway, knew I had something good, but also knew I messed it up.  Maybe she will take me back...Just have to wait and see.  Scatterings of memories for that dark period they call 1999...but those are for another blog.  Ended '99 in Chattanooga back with Magan...but never would have thought it at the beginning of '99.