Sunday, May 20, 2001

The Ride

"Do you want a Countdown?"  "What are they going to do honey?"  "Three...Two...ARRRRGGHHHH"...and thus began a video still available on youtube courtesy of my good bud Rod Cude. 
Magan and I were on our honeymoon, and decided to try this reverse bungee while down in Gulf Shores.  Magan was adjusting something from her hair and ended up jabbing it into her finger when we were shot into the air.  Haha, this is one of those memories that has completely left my brain, but glad we captured photographic and video evidence that Magan and I once were crazy...then we became a serious couple with 4 kids within 8 years....ARRRRRGHHHHHH....Magan watch out!  We are still in that bungee together...bouncing thru life...screaming...terrified...but after awhile...wait for it...smiling and laughing with each other.