Monday, May 19, 2003

Anniversary in Savannah

Midnight in the Garden of Good and I read the book, and we had to take that trip to Savannah.  Very beautiful city, and we toured much of it.  River Street Sweets, Juliet Gordon Low house, all the sights from the Good and Evil tour...and even a late night ghost tour.  I think this was for our 2nd year anniversary, but may have the dates a little off.  We did visit Paula Dean's restaurant, and memorized the maccaroni and cheese recipe from her cookbook...shhhhh, don't tell her.  Cleary's cafĂ© was made famous in the book as the restaurant where one of the characters often told everyone in their that he was going to poison the city's water system.  So we later toured the local cemetery, weird, but it seems to be normal around there, and out to tybee island before heading home to Dothan.  Oh and our hotel had windows that you would climb out onto the balcony from...something about an ordinance charging hotels by the number of doors, so they just changed them to windows.  ...and man, I look chunky in these pictures.   Right?