Davis likes to pretend cough alot and recently when I don't react to his coughing he looks me straight in the face and says "I coffee, moooom" Ha, ha, have to laugh! For the past few months ( I think since I have been pregnant and so tired in the mornings) Sam and Davis, who get up most days between 5:30 and 6:00 a.m., have been crawling in bed beside me to drink their morning milk. Davis isn't satisfied with lying beside me he has to be touching me or have half his body on me. I usually turn my back to him so that he will not lay on my face. All by himself he started turning his back to me and then scooting up against my back. The reason I find this so sweet and worth writing about is b/c that is EXACTLY how I like to sleep with Scott! I always scoot my back to his so that I can feel him breathing to help put me to sleep. Davis feels the same just about 1/3 of the size :)

Sam on the other hand likes to lay on the other side of the bed on Dad's love pillow (I embroidered LOVE by hand into a pillowcase for Scott when we were dating, and he still uses it). We call it Love pillow : ) This morning Davis actually slept in until almost 7:00!! Sam came in the bedroom talking my ear off and I finally said, "Sam let mom rest a little more while Davis is still sleeping. That means you can lay beside me, just be very quiet."

About 3 min. later he started giggling a little, I couldn't resist asking him why since I knew he had to have thought it up in his own little mind. He said " Mrs. Nay said 4 polka dot polka dot 4, she's so funny" I thought for a minute and remembered his memory verse is Matt. 4:4 and that must have been how she explained it to them. I love that he finds humor in little things and apparently remembers Bible Class! He is getting so BIG! I still can not grasp the thought of him getting big enough to be in school from 8-3 every day! Think I will have to worry about that when the time comes and enjoy every minute for now. This is a video of his first memory verse ever learned. He loves learning them and saying them first in class, or so his teacher tells me. He has been learning one each week and the other day he was practicing with his dad and he said "So many memory verses are going to give me a heartattack" think he got that one from me, it just sounds so much cuter coming out of his mouth. I need to blog about our newest baby that is on the way and my blown tire next. But for now I have to write a part of the tire story. Sam practices his memory verse every night and one night when Scott was out of town, we got in at like 11:00 due to some unfortunate events involving a nail and a tire. But when we got home I took a sleeping boy from his carseat to lay him in bed and he sat straight up and said "I have to do my memory verse" I said "are you serious" when he did not reply or lay down I decided he was serious. We practiced it and he said it with the sleepiest eyes and then lay down and went right to sleep : ) I expected him to want to say a prayer too, but we made it by with just a memory verse that night.