Sam loved taking Lotso down the biggest slide, and the merry go round (??) was Davis' favorite. Anabelle just liked walking all over the park, they had a small playground where she was able to slide over and over again.
I then brought us a picnic lunch so we could enjoy the relatively nice weather (cool breeze). As I was fixing lunch, I looked over to see Davis falling off of the merry-go-round...and not looking so merry. But he did not cry a bit, but explained to me that the "soft part in your head that makes you think...Mine is hard". So he was OK.
We then drove over to the Bass Pro Shop where they were having a summer camp for the kids. The shooting gallery was free so Sam and Davis just shot guns for about 30 minutes. We then were able to make our own leather keychains. Belle just kept "Wow"ing at all of the animals she saw. She fell in love with a fluffy stuffed dear head and played and hugged on it like it was a baby. But I am pretty sure Magan would not have let me hang it above her baby bed. We also made the latest cover of Field and Stream Magazine. Yall go and buy a copy. :)