Sunday, September 22, 2013

Talladega Half Marathon

Bib #415
Time:  2:07:22
Gender Plc:  255 of 414
Overall Plc:  371 of 808
Males 30-34:  41 of 62

This is me at the end of the Talladega Half-Marathon. This is a little after I was almost puking around mile 10 and 11. I have now learned that I need food somewhere during a two hour run.  Energy is important.  Next Race is hopefully the full marathon in February.  

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Rocket Derby

Oh Yeah!  Rocket Derby time again.  It was a hot and sunny day for this year's rocket derby.  The boys are getting more experienced and not wanting Dad's involvement as much (can you helping Sam with duct tape...not necessary).  All in all, we had a great time, and both boys got to shoot their rockets at least three times.  There's did not win the distance battles, but Sam did ALMOST get nailed in the head by a falling rocket.  

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Davis gets a Turtle

So Davis has always wanted a turtle, well always wanted a pet...OK all of our kids are starving for a pet, and perhaps one of these days as we read this we will laugh about all this cause their mom will have 36 cats, and I will have a dog...and nevermind, we don't like animals very much, or maybe it is just responsibility for animals.  I blame this on my dad and many saturdays shoveling turds in a small pen.  OK I think this was a story about davis...

Our neighbor Tammy had found a small turtle on the side of the road, and knowing Davis' passion for these creatures, brought the turtle over for us.  The kids were super excited, and I was really trying to pump myself up for a pet.  The turtle stayed with us and the kids just sat huddled around that turtle for hours...really.  Then at night, Davis asked his mom if he could "sleep outside with the turtle, just this one time".  He was not able to, but they did get to sleep in bags in their room.  We went to petsmart the next day to find out that turtles have a start up cost of about $400, and tend to live longer than my hopeful timeframe of a week.

This led to my responsibility to tell my boys, that both had tears in their eyes, that we could not keep the turtle, and that it would want to be back with its family.  They truly understood this twisted cheapskate lazy logic that I had provided, and even helped our turtle friend back to the creek behind our house.  I think the Junkin clan are getting closer to being ready for a pet...just not yet...and perhaps not a bacteria infested turtle...maybe a fish.  Nah, we'll just take them to the zoo.