Monday, March 31, 2008

Let's Get Started

Posted by Magan
Here goes! I have been trying to write in baby books for two years and I have been defeated for two years, so I'm going to try this out.
I just read my friend Jennifer's post about choosing your battles especially with clothes, so I want to write about Sam. I never thought a boy would be so opinionated about his clothes, but when you are talking about becoming a super hero it is serious business. He would wear his pjs all day every day if he could. Every now and then I let him wear his shirt under a light jacket and the other day he wore it like that to go outside and help his dad. Scott said he noticed Sam standing behind him and as serious as he could be he unzipped his jacket. Scott said, "You Spiderman?" He smiled and zipped it back up then went on playing. He had to make sure that Scott hadn't forgot that underneath that coat was the real Spiderman. Scott told me that dress clothes are torture to a little boy who wants to be big and strong like his dad, that is hard for me to accept b/c he is only 2 :) I am trying to let him grow up.
Easter Candy
We had two boys on Easter morning packed full of sugar so Scott put the baskets up on the counter and I went to get dressed. Scott walked past Sam's room to go to Davis' and Sam slammed his door and locked it. When he opened it he had his mouth open grinning with chocolate around his lips and two hand fulls of jellybeans. Needless to say the baskets weren't high enough.
Then the next day I noticed Sam walking by with a step stool hid behind his back, guess where he was headed!

Davis is trying to say a lot of things, his first word was mommmmmma then Da Da and then BITE. That boy loves to eat! He isn't walking yet, but he is pulling up and rolling all over. I got his walker out and let him start playing in it upstairs. Well, one of his favorite things to eat is paper I am constantly watching for him to find some. If he gets quiet that is probably what he is doing. Anyway, the other day he was in his walker and he walked past a bag of garbage I had just emptied and he saw a rolled up diaper on top. I saw him look in smile, grab the diaper, then turn and run from Scott in his walker. It was the first time he was able to get away, I loved it! The picture is of him attempting to crawl, he gives up pretty quickly and just hugs on his blue (blanket.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Riding on Thomas and Bugs

Posted by Scott
Day out with Thomas - 3/29/08
The weatherman predicted a cold and rainy day, and the weatherman was wrong. It was a beautiful day and we had a great time. We got to share our day with Misti, Ashton, Miranda, Jasper, and Jude. The train ride was a blast, woah woah woah, but they also had many activities for the boys (putt-putt, train tables, the big inflatable pits of bacteria and germs that children can bounce in, etc...). Sam liked listening to the live music, just didn't want to be to near the scary looking guitar man that might look at him. Davis just sat back with us and ate. But both Sam and Davis liked the balloons Momma waited in line 30 minutes for...which is about the amount of time that the balloons lasted.

Sam and Davis get their first car - 3/31/08
Well the boys were finally old enough to get out on their own, we found an old junker VW Beetle for them to get to the new fort and back. Not exactly a two-seater, so Davis ends up screaming a lot, and Sam is not a very good driver so we do a lot of running around stopping him from going off of the hills. But if you can ever get Sam going in a circle, he just chills out, leans back, and sips on his juice.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Bad Medicine

Well, we finally got the kid's playset put together, and last Friday morning Sam was "helping" me put the finishing touches on it. Both of us were suffering from the severe amounts of pollen in the air, constantly wiping our noses. But I felt bad for Sam, and thought he had not taken his medicine that morning. I told him to go inside and tell his mama to give him his nose medicine. A few moments later, he comes back out and is coughing and gagging. Immediately panicked, I jumped down from the fort and found a white substance all over his mouth. He told me he had gotten his I quickly ran with him inside and set him down and told him to show me what medicine he took. He walked me straight to the Hydrocortosone cream we sometimes use as "medicine" for other sores. So note to others...don't tell 2 1/2 year old to get his own medicine, and a mouthful of 1% Hydrocortosone cream is OK per the Poison Control Center.