Monday, December 27, 2010

Desoto Caverns

While I was off for the Christmas break, we decided to take the kids down to the Desoto Cave. It was a very cold day, and me and the boys had fun finding icicles all over the park. Davis was extremely excited to show Sam the cool show about God. Each tour through the Caves includes a laser light and water show that has different messages all speaking about God. Since we were here during Christmas, the show told the story of Jesus birth.

The tour is the same each time, but is always pretty neat. We always like to point out the cave fish that were purchased at Walmart. And our gift shop visit seems to always include Sam and Davis fighting over what piece of junk (precious jewelry) stone they are going to buy. But Davis ended up bringing home a hernando desoto doll which was his least until we got home.

We then drove over to the Kymulga Covered Bridge and Mill...then realized it was closed during the winter months. Oh well, it was a fun day.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas 2010 - Presents

Just a few pictures for this blog. I made some yummy french toast for breakfast which split the Santa toys fun from the Mom&Dad toys fun. The boots went over great! And dad was a big fan of the Darda race track. Davis finally got a Jelly Monster (Gumby), and Belle got a dollhouse...quickly taken over by Sam and Davis.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas 2010 - Zoolight Safari

Just a few pictures. Luckily Santa did not scare any of the children this year. The lights were nice along with the weather.

Christmas 2010 - Chelsea Parade

Firetrucks...Ambulances...Cop Cars...Beauty Queens...Cheap Candy being thrown out of car windows at kids...What does it have in common? The Chelsea Christmas Parade...This is really fun for the kids as we end up taking home multiple walmart bags of candy that will never get eaten. I do like the free cups that end up flying through the air to one day become our lunchtime glassware. This year, it was cold, but the sun was out and it was rather nice. This is the third year we have gone out to the parade, and it is always fun. We have found a great spot on the grassy knoll just below the town hall. We'll save a spot for you next year.

Christmas 2010 - Gingerbread Man

The gingerbread man was very real to to Sam and Davis. Sam had been learning in kindergarten how the gingerbread man was traveling all across the United States. The gingerbread man was seen by Aunt Tera, Aunt Tanya, MawMaw, and many other friends and family. This was very exciting also to Davis as we read the stories of the fun things the gingerbread man was doing.

Then as a treat one day, I decided to bring home some desserts from Edgars bakery...and pulled out a gingerbread man for each of the boys. Davis screamed like it was the greatest thing that had ever happened in his life. Hands in the air in a symbol of victory as we had captured the gingerbread man.

And here is a picture of Sam with Mrs. Garrett at their Christmas Party.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

My Sam

I have had Sam home with me the past few days since he is out of school and I truly miss having him here with me! I know how much he loves school and how much he is learning, but I miss him all the same : )

He LOVES his brother and sister SO much. He finds them just as funny as I do and even though he fights with Davis and doesn't want Belle to mess up his latest creation, I can see it in his face how much he loves them and loves when he makes them laugh.

I think he would do most anything to make you laugh. Sometimes it is even worth getting in trouble to him if he can make you laugh. He might ask you how many spankings he would get if he did it just one more time.

He has been my little buddy the longest and I can still remember those round cheeks and soft sweet voice calling "momma"
He is tough when he needs to be (like at the dentist and when he falls down and gets embarrassed) but as soft and small as a snowball when he melts in my arms (like when he is sick, gets up from nap and when he leaves the dentist office). He still loves for me to tickle his belly and read him stories and I love it when I get to do those things with him.

He is so creative and deep in thought when he is working on something. Sometimes he gets in trouble because he doesn't listen to something we tell him to do but I know how hard it is for him to pull his mind away from what he is working on.
I think he has some of my dad in him when I see what he builds and how hard it is for him to let go of it when he is in the middle of creating it : )

My prayer is always for my children to grow into loving and kind followers of the one true and living God. There isn't anything else more important than our getting to Heaven together and for each of them to know that precious gift of having a relationship and the avenue of prayer in this life. Living this life the way God has planned for us is a greater blessing than we could ever dream for ourselves. I am thankful for the joy I get to feel and share with my son while we are here on this Earth. God is so good to me!

As hard as it is to let go a little bit, I know how important it is for him to find his way and enjoy making new friends and for him to feel the joy of doing a good job and working hard to please someone other than just me and dad.

I have seen this several nights in the past few months after he is already in bed, this is a true reminder that he really is growint up....tear

Sam, I will love you and like you from now until forever!!! I love the way you are bashful, the way you laugh and your neck laughs too, I love your creative little additions with a lot of tape and blocks involved, I love you hugs when you wake up, I love the way you love me and Dad and Davis and Belle, I love the way you write us little notes to say you love us, I love your little drawings of the pets we don't have, but you hope to have one day, I love how can make kungfu ninja belts out of ribbon and crankys our of sticks, I love you to pieces my little Sambo you are perfect in every way!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas 2010 - McWane Center

Magan took the kids to the McWane Center when Sam was out of school for the Christmas break. She said they had a blast with a new slide that went from floor 3 down to floor 2. And they had fun making snow balls and sliding around on the "ice skating" rink. This is also when the McWane center has its train exhibits up, which is always popular with Sam and Davis.

Below you will see Davis...then Davis in action. Magan said that he was just throwing these snowballs right at people. If you don't want a fight, he will bring it to you.