Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas 2010 - Gingerbread Man

The gingerbread man was very real to to Sam and Davis. Sam had been learning in kindergarten how the gingerbread man was traveling all across the United States. The gingerbread man was seen by Aunt Tera, Aunt Tanya, MawMaw, and many other friends and family. This was very exciting also to Davis as we read the stories of the fun things the gingerbread man was doing.

Then as a treat one day, I decided to bring home some desserts from Edgars bakery...and pulled out a gingerbread man for each of the boys. Davis screamed like it was the greatest thing that had ever happened in his life. Hands in the air in a symbol of victory as we had captured the gingerbread man.

And here is a picture of Sam with Mrs. Garrett at their Christmas Party.

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