Monday, July 5, 2010

Davis and his Food

1. Davis and the cookie

I was working on the computer in the dining room which gives me a good view of the going-ons throughout the living room and kitchen. It allows me to somewhat pay attention to the kids as they run around.

On this particular night, I noticed a little pair of eyes peek around the kitchen counter to verify my position. When I glanced in that direction, his little eyes quickly jumped out of view and back behind the counter. “Davis” I said “What are you doing?”. He peeked back around the counter and gave me his big smile, then shrugged his shoulders indicating he was just walking around. He then said “I was just looking at these cookies”. Then I remembered the cookies still remaining from lunch, and understood this sneakiness. “Do you want one of those cookies?” I asked. Shrugging his shoulders again indicating his indifference, he said “Sure, I guess”. So I let him have a cookie, but I am pretty sure he was not looking for my permission in the first place.

2. Davis and the Donut

After a recent late evening trip to Walmart, Magan had purchased some Mrs. Freshey’s donuts (I think these are the cheap rectangle shaped cakey donuts sold near the Little Debbies…perhaps Mrs. Freshey is Little Debbies mother). I have never liked these but apparently magan and the boys do.

We were ready to get the boys in bed and this sometimes takes awhile, so Magan told them NO, they could not have a donut, they could have one in the morning. We had brushed their teeth, and went through about 10 other things they just have to do before bed, when Magan started looking for Davis. He was nowhere to be found, and we searched all over the house. Magan heard a noise from the boy’s room in their closet, and opened the door to see Davis. He was sitting in the closet with his back to the door eating one of Mrs. Freshey’s donuts. “What are you doing, Davis?” Magan asked…”I’s just eating a donut” was his casual reply.

3. Davis and the Pop Tarts

This is another Magan story and instead of trying to remember it…I will just say take the Mrs. Freshy donut and replace it with a Pop Tart, and you have this story. While the donut was funny and he was scolded, the Pop Tarts put him in the repeat offense punishment which has since stopped the closet sweet eating.

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