Birthday number 32 and I was stuck in Vidalia, GA for work. But Magan surprised me with a cake, and with the advances in technology, I got to have a little party with the kids. I even got to blow out the candles. The kids had to help me open the presents as technology has not gotten that far. :)
Friday, September 30, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Zoo with Granny and other pictures
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Junkin Story Potpourri
A Trip to the Zoo -It was a little weird without Sam with us, but we took Belle and Davis to the zoo on my Friday off and had a great time. The weather at this time of year is least for now. The train was a special treat for these guys, and they loved it, then the picture below shows Davis right before he lifted both feet off the ground to ring that bell. The new elephants were fun to watch, BUT the Zoo has 5 new Lion cubs. Now they were fun to watch!

The Lego Pyramid - Sam has been fascinated with Pyramids since reading the DaVinci Code...Just Kidding, but he is loving to make some pyramids with his Legos. Then downstairs he started what I thought would never be finished...the Great Pyramid. He got about 5 levels up and it started falling, so we started adding some supports to one wall. He built the entire third level of support walls, and then he decided the door was needed and built that. I begged him to let me help, and he finally let me play. I was so excited as I completed a large portion of wall with some blocks I found. Then he saw that I had used YELLOW blocks! No Dad, you can not use YELLOW! He then proceeded to tear down a significant portion to take out the yellow blocks. He allowed for yellow blocks as we continued, but ONLY inside the pyramid where they could not be seen. Once we made it to level 15, I became a dedicated brick finder as he took us to the top...24 levels.

Family Movie Night - For some reason we rarely have a family movie night, to busy just getting the kids in bed so Magan and I can sit back and relax. But this night we all sat down to watch a Magan Netflix pic..."The Velveteen Rabbit". I was skeptical mainly because it was a Magan Pick, but i was pleasantly surprised, and Sam and Davis had several laugh out loud moments. And Seriously, Magan was in tears by the end...

Dave starts Pre-School - That's right, Davis has started Pre-school on Tues and Thurs each week. He is in the Marvelous Monkey class (fits him) at the Liberty Baptist Mother's Day Out school, and his teacher is Mrs. Cheryl. Such a difference from Sam...Davis danced his way down the hallway to his class. Magan said he is so excited to go to class each day, and has already made a best bud, Tyler (guy in green below...who lives in our neighborhood). Sam is so shy about things, but Magan said she let him out of the van the other day and forgot to tell him bye, so she rolled down the window and said I love you. She said Davis turned back with his big ole smile and then hollared back oblivious of anyone else and said "I love you MOM!"...then ran off to class.

Sam becomes a Tiger Scout - This is one of the first things Sam has come home wanting to do, and from our experience with Baseball, I was more than willing to give it a try. When we found out that the first meeting they would be making 2-liter bottle water rockets, Sam was All-In! And he has several of his buddies from school in the same pack, and his best buddy Nathan. After completing all 8 steps of the Bobcat Trail, Sam earned his Bobcat Badget at the pack meeting the other night. This year he will be working with me (His Akela) and his Tiger Den to complete the requirements for the Tiger Badge. He is also selling peanuts as a fundraiser if you are interested. Oh, and Sam's rocket is not to pretty, but it went about 120 feet in the!
The Bobcat badge is awarded to the Akela (leader - Dad) and the cubmaster instructed all of the kids that they must do a good deed in order form their Akela to award it to them. Sam was asked like all of the other boys what he must do, and he stated very confidently "A Good Deed". Later that night when Sam was asking when he could have his badge, I repeated that he would have to do a good deed. Then he looked up at me and said..."Dad, What is a Deed?". :) I bet there were others up there wondering the same thing.
Honda Oddyssey loses the AC - Our condensor got a large Hole in it (rock possibly), and after leaking all of the freon out twice, they finally found the hole. In the meantime, it was funny with everyone in the explorer. The kids thought it was fun...but I would not want to go very far like this spoiled by the van.
The Lovebirds come to visit - Katie and Mark came down to the house to visit with us one Friday night, and as you can see, the kids loved. Belle just snuggled right up to Mark and was his bud. It was fun playing cards and spending time with this guy we hardly know but Katie decided to marry. Mark learned that no matter how good the roast and potatoes are, you don't mention that to your momma.

A Care Bear comes to visit - Now...why it is not exactly what every Dad wants their boys to watch, Sam and Davis love the care bears. Can you guess what bear is sam's favorite? Com'n, it has a cloud with rain and lightning...Stormy least I think that's his name...anyway it's the blue grumpy bear that complains about everything...Sam just cracks me up sometimes. But Magan found this costume at Kids Market and just could not pass it up. And you've got to admit, davis is the cutest little care bear you ever saw. I think he is still going with Captain America for halloween though.
My Sin - I got in some Poison Ivy about a month back and it was horrible. You can still see what may end up being some scars from this on my arms. My other arm was just as bad or worse, and then it got in my bloodstream and started coming up in patches everywhere. Anyway, I used my rash as a visual in a Wednesday Night Invitation at church, telling everyone I had gotten into a patch of sin. And talked about the itching and irritation involved with "sin" and how all of the Earthly cures were not working. Even an oatmeal bath with not work, but only the waters of baptism in the death of God's only son can wash away these sins.
Well apparently Sam and Davis were both listening, and that night during their prayers, they both prayed very hard for me and that God would help me take away my sins. It was funny, but it also gave me a good opportunity to talk with them further about sins and the greatness of God.
A quick Davis Story - Last time we came home from town, Davis was upsetting Belle and doing something that was causing stress for me...I can't remember what it was, but as we pulled into the house, I got him out of his seat and looked at him with my strict face telling him that he better obey and stop bothering his sister. I very sternly told him he better straighten up and do better. Davis listened patiently with an almost crying face. After finishing my talk, I asked him if he was going to do better. He looked up at me with a sad face and said "Yes Sir". Then not a split second later, realizing that I was done with my harsh talk with him, his face changed to excitement as he told me "Hey Dad, did you know a Wolve goes Woooooooo". Magan, watching this whole exchange, just broke down laughing, then I did too, realizing that Davis had clearly lost focus of the whole trouble business probably about midway through my talk with him.
Belle gets sick - Belle (and Davis) were really sick this last Wednesday, and poor little belle was a trooper as she had to puke often. But when I came home she was so excited to show me her pajamas that had all of the Disney princesses on them. She told me it was her "pretty", but then sitting on the couch, round one of the puking began. She did not cry, did not fuss, as I ran her to the bathroom, then held the toilet bowl like a pro getting all of it out. Then realizing she got some on her shirt, I took it off of her, and that's when she got very upset...crying loudly for her "pretty". No problems with the puking, but don't take away my "pretty".
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