Thursday, September 29, 2011

Zoo with Granny and other pictures

Magan had a busy day last Saturday with 3 photo sessions, so I decided to take the kids back to the zoo, I wanted to show Sam the lion cubs that he had not gotten to see the other day. And with Katie picking out dresses, John and Dad working in Tuscaloosa, I called to invite Granny on our trip, and she accepted!

I think Belle had granny's finger alot during this day, and everybody had fun seeing the lion cubs. This was the first time we have ever gotten to see the otter feeding time, and I thought it was fun watching the otters swim through the water. Unfortunately, I had to pull the kids away from the dinosaur boneyard, so they were not so excited to come over until I offered them some snacks. Sam watched for awhile, then was ready to go...Belle took one look at those scary creatures swimming through the water and backed away scared...Davis immediately introduced himself to the other children and starting sharing with them his vast knowledge of otters.

Granny would not join in the picture with the elephant. The kids loved playing in the children's zoo area. And I liked catching these pictures of them in the rocks. Davis took his new captain america shield and had to chase it around.

Before we got to the zoo, I took this picture of Davis in the back seat...Guess who he is going to be for "Palloween"?

John and Sheaye come to visit...

A few random pictures...

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