Saturday, January 31, 2015

Outdoors at Nanny's

So I don't know how well you can see the boys in this picture, but they are about 20 feet up in the tree at Nanny's house.  Belle made it about half way up to them.  Everyone enjoyed the beautiful weather on this day, while I tried to perfect the new Boomerang obtained from the circus.  We missed the picture of Davis crawling across the metal roof to get to the boomerang that we lost up there...Me, him, and Sam decided he was the lightest so he was least likely to fall through.  Luckily he made it, and boomerang was back in our hands.  The kids liked the swing, but Davis cried out "Oh my peanuts" after his turn of swinging.  Funny guy.  

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Circus to the EXTREME

When you think of Circus, you think of Chick-Fil-A...right?  Oh well, they sponsored this, and provided a good family picture.  Inside we went down to the floor to see the elephants, some clowns, and then Davis even got to walk the tightrope.  Ruby right now is just a handful, and after stuffing her with Mentos, cookies, passing back and forth from Magan to me, we made it through, but she is one unhappy little girl sometimes.  Cute as a button, but she likes to hollar.  Sam and Davis' favorite was the trampoline guys and BMX bikes.  Me and Magan liked the wheel of death.  Belle liked the weird mermaids hanging from the ceiling doing what I think would be considered acrobatic movements...I don't know...some of this new circus stuff is just weird.  

Thursday, January 22, 2015

The Wolf Scout

Davis cooked hamburgers on some coffee cans.  He had a great time, and I was impressed at how quickly these things worked with some waxed up fire underneath.  Davis also at another meeting was awarded the "Awesome Stick" for his good behavior during the den meeting.  He has already selected to give up his Surfer Lego Dude to put on the "Awesome Stick" which really is an awesome addition, and Davis' favorite guy.  The "Awesome Stick" gets passed from scout to scout collecting awesomeness.  

Saturday, January 10, 2015

A time to laugh, A time to cry, A time to BOWL!

Magan said she wanted to go bowling.  I really don't know what prompted this visit, but I think it was a good call.  The kids loved it, it was cosmic bowling, and loud enough we didn't mind Ruby screaming at us all the time.  We used the bumpers which was perfect because we STINK...  

I know all had fun, but I can't seem to remember much about this day other than my little girl rolling that ball (gorilla arms is what I opposed to the granny roll) toward the pins, then running back to sit in my lap as we watched patiently the ball move down the lane.  I can't think of to many more perfect moments then that little gal hugging my neck, and then her shrieks of joy when she actually knocked all the pins down one time.  

So I barely cracked 100, but we all left with a score of more than zero, which would not have been the case given no bumpers.  :)

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

"Frozen" night at Chick-Fil-A

So we heard that Chick-Fil-A (or as Belle calls it "Chickilay") was going to have a frozen night, and we couldn't miss it.  The girls dressed up.  The place was packed.  All the girls in the restaurant were beaming and singing frozen songs.  What a phenomenon Disney has created.  And then...the real Anna and Elsa arrived, and we got pictures with them.  Magan said that while Belle remained excited, after seeing Anna and Elsa at Disney (even at a distance), she was a little disappointed.  Oh well, the anna girl did look a little like a hobbit from LOTR...bless her heart.  Oh, and Sam and Davis...hmmm...well, they liked the chicken nuggets.