Monday, August 29, 2016

Court of Honor

I was out of town for Sam's first Court of Honor.  This is a meeting they have about twice a year led by the boy scouts to honor and award recent achievements.  Sam earned 4 merit badges, 2 required for Eagle rank.  He is also very close to his tenderfoot rank, altho maybe that will be at the next court of honor.  He is currently working on the Space Exploration merit badge, and planning to get the Nuclear Science merit badge in December...have I mentioned this kid is just in the 6th grade.  Dear me!  

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Annual Rocket Derby

Our 6th year of shooting 2 liter bottle rockets with Cub Scout Pack 353.  They do not get tired of this, and it is a great way to get our scouts excited about the new year.  Lots of high flying rockets, and Kona Ice.  And FYI...2nd year in a row that my Kona Ice that I have to wait to the very end to get...was thrown away before I could finish it...

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Do the Coosa!

Sam's first camping trip since summer camp, and he loved it!  I am not a big water fan, but he was all on board for this trip for 6 hours down the coosa river.  Sam was grubmaster for his patrol of 6 boys, and the patrol notes are below for their schedule for meals.  Me and Sam had to take this "ingredient list" to Walmart, and get everything for his patrol for the weekend. 
The boys left late on a Friday, and set up camp and tents after nightfall.  On Saturday, they left at daybreak, got on their individual kayaks, and set off.  Sam talked about some of the cool whitewater they went through, altho most was fairly easy rowing.  They ate lunch on a small island in the middle of the river, and continued on for a couple of more hours.  Then another night at camp, and back to Chelsea.  So while we were a little nervous with him being away again, Sam was all smiles when he got home. 
Next up is Tumbling Rock Cave...where we (yep, I am going on this one) will be exploring  6 miles of mapped caves for about 4 hours. 

Webelo Rocket Launch

Thursday, August 11, 2016


I can't say that I enjoy most photo sessions, but a trip to Vulcan to take pictures of these SuperGirls was great!  I can not stand heights and was terrified up there, but made it through again.  Both my girls got blisters with those new shoes, and I reminded Magan once again how important socks are.  We toured the museum until they shut off the lights and ran us off.  I don't think it gets much better than those little girls smiles.  :).   I also realized I can't swing Belle around like I used too.  And we had Saw's BBQ on the way home.  It was a good day.  

Monday, August 8, 2016

At work with Dad...

I've got some pictures of Sam at my desk when he was a wee lad, but don't remember the others.  I am sure we have some pictures of them too, but this is probably the first tinkerbell using my computer.  Everybody signed my cubicle guestbook, and sam had a laugh at my old glasses.  Got to show the guys a transmitter and recorder, but they failed to calibrate it properly, so they will need to get through some more schooling before working with me.  :)  My cubicle is filled with toys in case they ever come back.