Saturday, August 20, 2016

Do the Coosa!

Sam's first camping trip since summer camp, and he loved it!  I am not a big water fan, but he was all on board for this trip for 6 hours down the coosa river.  Sam was grubmaster for his patrol of 6 boys, and the patrol notes are below for their schedule for meals.  Me and Sam had to take this "ingredient list" to Walmart, and get everything for his patrol for the weekend. 
The boys left late on a Friday, and set up camp and tents after nightfall.  On Saturday, they left at daybreak, got on their individual kayaks, and set off.  Sam talked about some of the cool whitewater they went through, altho most was fairly easy rowing.  They ate lunch on a small island in the middle of the river, and continued on for a couple of more hours.  Then another night at camp, and back to Chelsea.  So while we were a little nervous with him being away again, Sam was all smiles when he got home. 
Next up is Tumbling Rock Cave...where we (yep, I am going on this one) will be exploring  6 miles of mapped caves for about 4 hours. 

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