Sunday, January 29, 2017

USS Alabama (Davis Pictures)

Davis had his own camera on the trip to the USS Alabama, and was taking pictures for his class as they are discussing WW2 history.  But he also captured some unique Davis images and figured I would share a few.  The first picture was the talk of Blakeley state park.  Sam threw his walking stick into the water along the bay, and it just stuck in in just like that.  All the cub and boy scouts thought this was so cool, and while I did not see this amazing stick, Davis did capture the image.  The picture with the scuba diver is one Davis always wants to find, and we made a special trip together through the whole ship and finally found it hidden in a side room.  Two pictures on the back of the boat with Sam was from a late night gathering with him...I had D's camera as my phone was low in battery.  Sam had watched on the video where a Japanese plane was riding low across the water, and the gunner on the back lowered his gun too low and shot a hole through the back of the boat trying to hit the plane.  I went out hunting for Sam late at night and ended up watching a short documentary on the Alabama, and wouldn't you know it Sam came in to do just the same.  :) 
My buddy D took the cool picture head on with the blackbird.  He also thought that a KFC/Taco Bell was about the coolest thing he had seen on our way home.  He was upset for missing the giant peach in Clanton on the way down, but he caught it on the way back home.  And the last picture is one Magan wanted me to post.  It is Davis' first text conversation with his mom..."Hey mom, It's Davis"..."You sleep good because I slept grate on the boat"..."See you at home"

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