Saturday, February 10, 2018

Mercedes Marathon Weekend

It was a busy marathon weekend, and this year fell on the same weekend as one of Magan's consignment sales.  My knee was still acting up a bit, so I was not going to run.  But it was interesting getting all the kids up @ 6AM to be at the BJCC for Sam to run the 5K.  This was the second time Sam had run, but first on his own.  

We watched him get in the big line with everyone, including a big dinosaur pictured below.  Sam had a good 11 minute pace, but unfortunately the giant dinosaur was even faster and passed him early on.  I told him he had to beat the dinosaur, but he said "That was a fast dinosaur".  Oh well, we couldn't catch up to Wonderwoman the previous year either.  Also, the weather was overcast, and just came a downpour as soon as Sam started his race.  I think he thought it was fun running in the rain, but the 99 cent poncho did not do well to keep him very dry.  

After Sam's race, we headed over to the BJCC to enjoy the expo and some breakfast.  Davis and Belle were not running until about 11am, so we had a couple of hours to waste.  The expo was fun, and we had some spicy sausage breakfast.  Ruby found a seat that was HERS because it was number 4.  When we finally got to the kids races, it was not very easy handling all these guys by myself, but Sam would watch Ruby, while I relayed Davis and Belle into line then picked them up.  Anabelle found a couple of her friends to run with.  And this year, Davis had the best time at just over 9 minutes for his mile.  I was proud of that guy, because he ran hard the whole time.  

So no running for Dad this year, but I loved getting to see all these little guys running.  Even Ruby had to put on some gloves and show us how hard she could run later in the day.   

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