Monday, January 20, 2020

Rock Climbing at Moss Rock

It is somewhat of a tradition to find a service project on MLK day, and while it hasn't happened every year, we typically have that goal.  On this year, we had a planned service project at a park that we had not been to...Moss Rock.  And we had all intentions of meeting up with people with the Alabama Power Service Organization (APSO), but then when we arrived, we found no other people.  We also found no service project.  We did run into a few others, but they also found that there was no project or crew or leaders for this effort...and did I mention that it was FREEZING on this day.  So, me and the boys decided to check out the park while we were there anyway, and climbed some rocks that we shouldn't have climbed (The one below...Sam and I made it to the top...and near the top was where we realized that we would not be able to make it back down).  Fortunately we survived, and jumping across some drops we made our way to another formation that allowed us back to the ground.  Really cool area, but some drop mats in certain areas would have at least made me feel like we could survive falling next time.  Ended up being a fun day with the boys where we hit the galleria and ate some of that amazing Chinese food, and we couldn't leave without hitting Aunt Annie's pretzels.  

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