Sunday, January 31, 2021

Around the House

Where did January go?  Oh yeah, I spent two weeks in Augusta GA after we got back from the beach.  Wow, that month felt short.  Anyway, I have found that I need to do a little research through Magan's Facebook posts, then her facebook messaging, then start of this monthly wrap up blog.  So here goes.  

Quick Kid Story from Magan:   Today at Sam’s Basketball Game, Ruby said "Mom, when is this football game going to be over?" Me and D bust out laughing. She starts laughing too "ummm, I mean when is this BASEBall game going to be over?" We can't stop laughing. Baby see that basket up there that they are throwing that ball in, it's called BASKETball

Another Quick Kid Story from Magan: Two nights ago 10:00 p.m. Davis finished his homework late, then asked me if I thought our friend from church (who lost her husband) might like some cookies if he made them. So I let him stay up and make them. Then while making them he wanted to also give some to his teacher who is helping out in his math class (since his math teacher passed away recently). He said he felt bad for her and knows she is doing double the work. His heart is maturing and he is starting to think of others before himself, makes a momma proud.

And the Story for Ruby's little puppy picture below:  Well, this little puppy got up so excited about the 101th day of school, she go all dressed up an forgot to she runs to the bathroom just before the bus is coming and sits down to go, on top of the toilet lid that was closed.  She comes out almost in thank goodness I had a back up tutu in my prop closet and my old lady legs can still run faster than a school bus drives.  Is was smaller than the first tutu but she was a happy puppy again running to jump on the bu.  Never a dull moment around here.   

And for the hodge podge of other pictures below, we have a facetime shot of me and my girls being goofballs while I was in GA...Davis made a lego Mario...Ms. Lisa came to hang out...Davis received recognition from Shelby County Schools for his "Citizenship in Action" helping others...Sam playing basketball and scoring his first basket of the year...the many many Bernie memes have flooded the internet...Davis earns 3rd Place in his wrestling tournament, after first getting a crazy goose egg due to a headbutt from the first guy he wrestled, blacked out a bit...and lots more below of some crazy kids.  

Friday, January 29, 2021

Ratcliff Throwback Pictures

From Magan:  "Crafting Friends" made two of these bears for me out of my dad’s suit he wore when he escorted me to crown the next Homecoming Queen. I gave one to our Nanny and the other sits close to my desk in my room.

I catch Ruby giving it the biggest hugs when she walks through the room. Then she wrapped a present with this necklace up and was so excited to give it to me. She made me a necklace that says Paw, (Poll). Oh how I wish she could get a real hug from her “Poll”