Friday, January 8, 2021

Panama City - Gulfworld

 I have drove by this place many times, was it worth a shot?  We did, and I think we would say yes.  Especially in a non-crowded time as this.  Weather was a little cold for the outdoor shows, but we were glad we were not the ones down in the water with those dolphins.  It was like a mini-Seaworld, but had some cool features that all the kids mentioned how close they could get to the giant sea turtles and sharks.  And honestly the dolphin/sea lion shows aren't much better anywhere else.  And I think gulfworld also gave us this one picture below which I think is the only one of our whole trip with the whole family.  And if you ever want to know which pictures were taken with my phone, just look for the blur.  I think there were other stories here, but that's what happens to the last blog written each month...I am tired and ready for bed.  So...was it the "Experience of a Lifetime"?  No.  Was it my favorite day because I didn't have to work, and got to spend it all with my favorite people in the world?  MOST definitely!  

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