Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Into the New Year

 So what is going on in this new year?   Let's scroll thru below with hopes that I will remember....Davis got his yearly flu symptoms in January (He missed them last year, only having COVID), but this time the symptoms included some inflamed lungs, so he got to have some breathing treatments and an inhaler for awhile...The AHG troop learned some self defense...Sam keeps doing new things with his knives.  This time he started making leather sleeves for the knives...Frisbee golf at Calera, where I invited myself with these young guys (I had to, they have stopped asking me to go anymore, and I want to play too)...Anabelle got her braces on, and got all prettied up for a Jr High dance...Sam and I visited Starkville, and met some old church friends and their kids that now go to State.   On the way home, we visited with Ralph Jr and Jessica at the new Dairy Barn.   Sam and I ate at a "MELT" restaurant that night and had maccaroni and cheese egg rolls (AMAZING!)....Davis was elected as the Senior Patrol Leader, which is the highest position within the Scout Troop, and he will be in charge of the whole group over the next year....BeReal is still a thing, I expect it to be gone by middle of year, but I kept a few of the pics below....We have started watching Wonder Years together as a family, and wow, that show is soo good....And after a visit on the company jet to Vidalia, I got a quick visit with Granddaddy, where I found the place he keeps his top secret information, same cabinet as the middle and bottom secret information...As for basketball, Davis still hasn't got those first points yet, but he had a three that should have went in, and another that was very close.   No backcourts dribbling for the wrong goal this year.   His team is actually winning a few this year, and he is playing well.   

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Career Day

 Magan was able to join Ruby for lunch before Career Day, and she forgot to tell Ruby...so Ruby was sick.   Oh well, she knew we were coming for Career Day, but was not prepped for the surprise lunch visit.   But at least she smiled for the lunch room pictures.   

Magan and I both did our normal Career Day spiel, but you can tell in a classroom that has been thru 5 teachers in one year...kind of a rowdy bunch.   Ms. Nance is seriously number 5 in a line filling in for Ms. Long, while she is on maternity leave.   

Ruby got to help me "fix the power lines" with my hard hat on, and the kids continue to enjoy my marshmallow protons used for the nuclear science portion.   Magan was amazed the the touch screen smart board that navigating around her website.   The kids all loved when Ruby showed up in the scrolling pictures.   And Ms. Magan even tricked Mr. Scott into sitting on a whoopie cushion at the end.   Nothing helps a rowdy bunch of kids like a whoopie cushion.   

And then it was over.   Apparently we were the only adults to come in for their class this career day week, but we would not miss it for anything.  Only two more career days left.   Kind of sad.   Oh well, maybe we can surprise Ruby in Junior High at lunch then an impromptu career day presentation.  

Tuesday, January 24, 2023


 Alexander Hamilton.   His name is Alexander Hamilton.   There's a million things he hasn't done.  But just you wait, just you wait.   

Just like his country, this guy was young, scrappy, and hungry, and we were not going to throw away our shot to get to see HAMILTON in Birmingham.   I had signed up for the mailing list over a year ago when they announced it was coming, thinking we would never be able to afford tickets, but then before Christmas, I received an email for early bird tickets at $50.   So this became one of our big Christmas surprises for the kids.   

I joined the Hamilton bandwagon late, first hearing "Dear Theodosia" on Pandora, and falling in love with that song.   Then various songs from Hamilton kept playing, so I had the songs, but had no idea of the order.   Amazed at the history, I read the biography of Alexander Hamilton that Lin Manuel Miranda read, and learned so much more about this founding father, not just the 10 dollar.  Without a father, he got a lot farther by being a self-starter.  By fourteen, they placed him in charge of a trading charter.   

Then the pieces of these songs all fell into place when it was released on Disney + during COVID year.   And the whole family jumped on the wagon.  It is often playing in the kitchen, Ruby knows when to cover her ears, and only Magan and Belle know the lyrics well enough to sing along.  Belle sang "Dear Theodosia" as her tryout song for the school play.   So were we all excited?   YES!   Even with seats high enough to cause nose bleeds, we were ready with tissue.  

With an extra ticket, we called up Ms. Lisa, who never even hesitated...YES! I am in!   We all met at Tazikis near my building as we were all coming from different places, and had a good meal before Magan noticed my "planner" face requiring us to be there at least 1 hour before showtime.   Then came the long line at the bathroom, and finally we were all in the van on our way.   

I think Davis vetoed listening to Hamilton on the way over, but that was fine.   We arrived at the Sheraton parking lot and made our way though a very tight parking garage, with Magan having to close her eyes because she lacks depth perception and borderline crazy when in the passenger seat.   After walking almost to the door to wait for Anastasia, we walked up to a long long line to get in for this show.   

But we made our way inside, and i quickly kept the group away from just enjoying being there, to help them be more efficiently getting souvenirs first, then the Hamilton picture, and only then allowing us all to relax on the couch on the second floor.   I say that incorrectly, as I do not relax until my bladder is relieved and I am sitting down within 2 minutes of the start of the show.   Only then do I relax.   

And then it began...King Georges show.   Really Really amazing and our seats, while 1 row from the very top of the balcony, were dead center, and great to see the full stage.   Ruby made it completely thru Act 1, but not to deep into Act 2 before passing out.   It was so good tho, I think everyone loved our show.   

Back outside we quickly found out it was raining, then we lost Sam, Davis and Lisa.   We kept going staying under all of the walkovers to stay dry, while apparently the others had made their way inside not having any issues staying dry.   I don't remember much more about this fun evening, except for Davis running and jumping up the ramp in the car garage.   Crazy kid.   After all were dropped off, and we picked up all vehicles and made it home...it was 11:30, ON A SCHOOL NIGHT!   While all were tired the next day, it gave us a chance to just talk less, smile more.   

There's a million things I haven't done, But just you wait!  What's your name, man?