Saturday, May 12, 2007

A Hectic Mother's Day Morning

This day began unlike most others. Sam slept in late, which was very rare, but Magan thought it was his gift to her on her third Mother’s day morning. Church began at 10, so we all slept in, enjoying the peace and quiet. After waking, and taking my shower, I began to cook breakfast for everyone. I decided homemade French toast would be very good.
With a little directions from my mother, I make 6 french toast using some of the fresh eggs we had received the previous night from our chicken growing, arsenal keeping, peacock raising, church friends Rob and Pam Britt. Magan enjoyed her breakfast, and as time starting running out for us to get to church, I began to take over duties of getting the boys ready.
I fed Sam, and dressed him. Then I dressed Davis. Feeling very rushed because I like to get to Church early to pass out the bulletins with Sam, I began calling Magan to hurry up. With both children in the car, and fairly proud of myself (with the sweat running down my forehead to show for it) I went back to the door to let Magan know everybody else was ready.
Thus began the trip to church, a little late, and becoming later as Magan asked me a few questions. Where was the baby’s blanket? I forgot. Where was the baby’s pacifier? I forgot. Did you wash Sam’s face after breakfast? I forgot. So Sam and I made it to church on time, but Magan went back home to clean up my mess. Magan made it back in time for the Lord’s Supper, then silently giggled as she Sat down. I had put Davis’ shirt on backwards as well. Oh well, what a morning. Oh yeah, I also lost Sam’s blue at nanny’s house later that day.
But Magan and I talked all the way to Cullman about our life together, and our love for one another. She is my best friend, and even tho I forgot also her card and any present, she still loved me. And that is very important.

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