This was our second year to take the boys to the “Boo at the Zoo”, we really enjoy going to the zoo, and this was a fun trip where we could dress the boys up. Sam went as Buzz Lightyear, and Davis as Nemo.
Sam loves the zoo and was immediately excited when we got there. They had several booths where you could go up and get candy. Sam was so big going up to the tables where several much bigger kids were and saying “Chickacheet”. The first booth had a pirate that Sam was not to sure of, he would not even look at the guy.
Davis was the only Nemo there and got a lot of attention, cause he is so cute and he’s got them big ole cheeks. We got to pet the snake, lizard, fox, and barn animals and had a good time.
Sam walked ahead of us to see the snake building, and kept looking for the turtles that are usually right outside. But then he turned to us and said “Turtle Night Night mama dada Turtle Night Night mama dada”
And we also had a fun trunk or treat with our Church family that Sunday night. I dressed up as Woody, and Magan was Bo Peep. Sam saw me dressed up and got a big smile as he ran out to see me. He immediately wanted my gun then we chased down Zurg and defeated him mightily.
We had a good time, and Marcus has now started Dating Brooke. We don’t know how things are going to work out, but my prediction is a wedding in 2009. They are cute together, and it makes me remember all the fun first times with Magan. Magan is getting more and more beautiful every day, and she is the greatest mother/wife/friend I could have ever asked for.
Sam is pee pee ing in the potty and getting stickers now.
Davis is eating anything you put in front of him.
I love bathtime with the boys. Mom lets me handle them most nights, so I look forward to trying to make them laugh.
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