I just got home from the lovely wal-mart. As I am sure you all know it is one of the hardest part of being a mother of 2 kids 3 and under. It seems to be getting increasingly hard b/c Sam is getting bigger. When I say bigger, I mean that literally. He doesn't fit as well in the back of the buggy with the groceries. So, either I get home with all of my groceries squished or I let him out of the buggy. I can't decide which is worse.
If Sam isn't sitting on the groceries, he's kicking them out of his way, or throwing something out of the buggy to make more room. Davis is usually screaming or throwing something out of the front of the buggy like his juice or snack. He also likes to reach around and grab anything that he can chew on, which leaves the groceries half chewed up or opened. And when they aren't doing that they are fighting with each other.

Usually, I end up letting Sam get out of the buggy toward the middle of the trip, to make room for the rest of the groceries. Which results in telling him "NO we don't need that and go put that back" about 100 x's.
While all of those things are happening I am suppose to be concentrating on what we need and how to save money. It is sooooooo Exhausting.
I haven't even gotten to the part where we have to check out. Getting everything onto the counter, reminding the cashier of the items that have been opened, placing them all back into the buggy and paying (which takes almost every bit of the money I have for the next week).
Now, that Sam is potty training, we went to the bathroom 3 x's while in the lovely Wal-mart, but on a good note he didn't wet his pants YEA!
Next, we have to get them all in the car and then up the stairs at my house, and finally put away.
I didn't even throw in the diaper changes for Davis and needing to eat lunch before everybody passes out on the drive home, only to be carried up the stairs and put into bed.
Forgive me for venting a little, but I feel so much better. I have decided that I am going to have to have a serious talk with Sam about how mom has to pick out what we need. I don't know if it will help but I am going to try. If anyone has any advice on what they do, I would LOVE to hear it!