Monday, June 30, 2008

A Boy's Instinct

This is a picture of his Batman Muscles and the cape that he thinks is really flying :)

This is a post about boys and their super hero instinct! We were in Target the other day and Sam found Batman PJs with a CAPE! I was like yeah they're cool. When I looked up he had them hanger and all over his head letting them fly through the store as he ran. Obviously, I did not see the full potential of the cape.

It is amazing to me how easily boy activites come to them. Davis, at 6 months when he started sitting up, had a car in his hand making the car sound as he scooted it across the floor.

Just in case you don't know what it looks like to be spiderman stuck to the wall, this is it, twice.

As they are in tune to the boyish things, Sam is also in tune to momma things. A few months ago he was taking his shirt off and he got it stuck on his head. He started giggling and said "Like momma" (with a towel on my head after showering) It cracked me up!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Freezing Time

Getting them to look at the camera is a task that is not easily accomplished. If you know me, you know how much I love to take pictures. I always have a camera with me. Pictures are a way to freeze time and remember each little thing that happens in our life. A lot of people have no trouble recalling and remembering everything. I on the other hand do not, if I don't write it down I forget the details.
Father's Day just passed by and my dad passed away, as most of you know, about 4 years ago. I cherish every picture that I have of him and am trying to hold on to the memory of what his hug felt like, how he smiled when he called me sugar foot and his baby girl, his laughter and his booming deep voice on the back row at church singing and praising God. He had a smile that was so easy and natural it was hard not to smile back. His hands were covered in scars and "as a strong as a pine knot" is how he would describe them. I miss the sound of him yodeling as he walked through the house to get his popcorn and vanilla ice cream.
When I look at my boys, I know that they will not get the chance to feel his hugs or hear him laugh, but they can see his smile any time they want because we have pictures.
Love your family as much as you can and try to remember every detail about them. Be with them every chance you get and enjoy just being together.
Mom and Dad Christmas 2002

Dad with my nephew Sylus

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Isn't that the smallest little hospital gown :)

We have been so busy lately! Isn't the phrase suppose to be "Those Lazy Summer Days"

In the past two weeks, we have had what we would consider, major events. The first event, was little Davis' surgery last Mon. He had to be put to sleep to correct a tear duct that hasn't worked for him since birth. For the past 15 months we have massaged and applied cream that didn't seem to help and constantly wiped away tears and that eye stuff that forms. A lot of the time he would wake up with his eye stuck shut. It didn't take him long to notice that he didn't like for us to work on cleaning and medicating it, so it was a daily battle.
They had to put a stint in to help it open up. It will stay in his eye for 3 months to stretch it out. He was doing SO much better tonight, compared to waking up in the hospital. The nurses say that it is common for them to wake up fussy or angry like he did. He kept trying to pull the I.V. out and rub the eye. The nurse came in with an extra dose of pain medicine and that helped him calm down. I was so glad he woke up without complications that he could have cried for hours and it would have been o.k. with me :)

His face was puffy from the IV

The next week, Sam had to have a crown put onto the tooth that he had chipped as a baby. When I went for the consultation on what to expect, the dentist made me think that the hardest part would be seeing him all groggy from the medication they would have to give him to help him relax. I was a little bit nervous about that but I knew if I had made it through Davis' I could make it through his.
When we arrived at the office, they took us to a little room in the back. Sam was already getting nervous. Then, they told us they were going to leave the room while we got him to drink the medicine. Ummmmm, that was suppose to be easy for us, but it was TERRIBLE! We tried getting him to drink it, tried to squirt it down his throat, and Scott even tried to dilute it for him. None of our efforts proved to be productive, so the nurse came in to try her turn. Mind you, Sam is crying and screaming through the whole process. Another problem has presented itself, in that Scott had added water to the solution and now the nurse had 3x's as much medicine to try and force down his throat.
So finally, when her efforts failed as well, the only other option was to shoot the medicine up his nose. You might be thinking, "Why keep trying to give him medicine?" Well, he doesn't remember it!!!! The process was a nightmare which included FIVE people including me holding his hands, feet, head, and body still so that the dentist could attach the crown, but he doesn't remember how horrible his trip to the dentist was. I hope that all of the effort will pay off the next time we have a cleaning.
If we ever have to give him medicine like that again, we are going to put it in with a little juice in his cup and let him sit out in the lobby to drink it.
As hard as it is for both child and parent, there are some things that just have to be done. I hope to take a break from the medication for a while. :)

His new tooth is the one right next to his front tooth on his left side. It looks pretty good to me. I barely notice it.

Monkey moves like this is where he chipped his tooth in the first place. Boys!