Our little Davis has been opening up so much lately. It's like that pacifier must have been holding him back or something. He repeats almost everything you say to him or around him. Hearing him say SAM is my favorite. He is usually worried about finding Sam when he says it and he says it so soft and drags it out. I think it is the concern in his voice that makes it sound so sweet.
Scott started asking him where ______ was and he could point and say each of our names. Then he asked him where Davis was and Davis tilted his head to the side and grinned, as if to say "That's me!"
He is also mimicking our motions. Scott raised his arms above his head after dinner and started chanting "Cookies, cookies." Davis knew what that was and he wanted some too, so he did the same. His little fat arms over his head with a smile saying "tooie, tooie" Then Sam joined in and I couldn't resist getting out the cookies :)
Sam newest thing to say is "Let me tell you something" He was sitting at the lunch table with me and said "Let me tell you something, I am going to play football when I get big" He then proceeded to name all of the people who would come and watch him. Then when he prayed that night he Thanked God that he would play football when he gets big and followed with all the names again. Football is a little scary to this momma. Which reminds of something else.
The other day he made my heart hit my feet. If you have been to our house, you know that we have a rather steep hill to the side of our driveway. Sam was palying in the driveway on his big wheel motorcycle, like he normally does. In a split second he was FLYING!!!! down the hill. I didn't breathe until he got to the bottom and stood up to say with a big smile "I go Really Fast" OH THESE BOYS!!!!! I have a lot of letting go to do. The very next time he went down he crashed and said "Oh, I fall down" without a tear or hesitation to do it again.
Scott witnessed all of this and didn't bat an eye and hardly seemed to notice. How does he do that?!?!!?
ON another note, something else that has been keeping me busy is that I am trying to start taking pictures on a professional level. I tried to think back to when I started enjoying pictures so much and realized I can't think of a time I haven't. I have always loved looking at pictures albums, annuals, magazines, whatever I could find for the pictures :) It has always been fun for me to try to figure out how they took those pictures. In college I took a photography class and took pictures for the yearbook. Over the years I have been dying for a camera that would allow me to do this sort of thing and with the recent purchase of my own camera, I have been practicing every chance I get. Thank you to my friends and family who have been helping me get this all straight and get my camera to work the way I want it to.
Here are a few or a lot of my most recent and favorite shots:

Great job Magan! The photos are beautiful!
I am so glad you put those pictures on your blog. As for boys and danger, all I can say is get ready!! We went to the pumpkin patch in Hayden, a little too far, but we did have a good time. If we were to go again, I would not go to that one because of the distance.
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