I have always known that God tells us not to worry, but as a momma I find myself dreading and yes worrying about some of the milestones in my young babies' lives.
Both of these little guys love their blankets (which they call blue) and they both LOVE-D their pacifiers. I took Sam's pacifier away at about 18 months. He cried for about 45 min. on and off the first two times he needed to go to sleep without it. After those two times he settled in with only his blanket and went to sleep.
But for a mom listening to a crying baby, it is like someone is taking my nerves and winding them up into a ball and letting them fly across the room. After I had let Sam cry for about 15 min. the first time, I called Scott. He advised me to go in and give it to him. To which I responded, I CAN NOT go through this again, and I think it is almost over. Just talk to me while I try to help him through this.
Anyway, with that past experience, you can imagine that I was less than excited to see the 18 month mark pop up with Davis. I have been thinking about it and trying to decide when I would have to do it and all of those type things (worrying) I have always been thankful we ditched it when we did with Sam, b/c her started trying to talk through it and with walking, you never know where they might end up.
The other night, I had to go out and didn't make it home until almost 9:30. When I got home, Scott had put both boys to bed.
In casual conversation about the nights events, he mentions "Oh, I forgot to give Davis his Pacifier and by the time a remembered, I didn't want to go in and disturb him." Then he was on to the next topic.
I was like WHAT!?!?!!? He went to sleep without a pacifier tonight without crying or anything! In the back of my mind I thought, he must have found a passy in the bed.
When I went in the next morning to get him, there was no sign of a passy.
That was 2 days ago and he hasn't had one since!!!! He goes right to bed without crying today he was even smiling. There have been a few times when I wished I could plug his little mouth, but we are making it through. He has only asked for it a few times and he doesn't sleep as long, b/c he doesn't have it to suck on and go back to sleep.

I CAN NOT complain and I need to remember that God is in charge and He can ALWAYS take care of us and our problems, no matter how big or small.
I do have to add that prior to all of this he has stood at his bed with his blanket and turned on his music and yelled, "momma ni ni" (night, night), several times when I am a little late getting him in bed. So he does know what it means to be tired and ready for bed, apparently with or without a pacifier, it is time for bed.
Oh Magan, that is so wonderful. We are at that point with Max, but it is not going well and we have been giving in. Briggs never had a passy, so this is new. You have given me new resolve to stick with it! Leslie
I've really enjoyed y'alls stories and pics, you're doing a great job Magan, your pictures always have a different perspective to them and the post processing is great. It's kind of comforting having all of our friends kind of going through the same things, good and bad :-). Rod
Congratulations! One milestone completed! I remember how hard that was with Anna Rebecca. I'm so happy that's behind you. BTW- are ya'll coming to the retreat? Tim said Aaron called Scott with the details. We would love to see ya'll and I think it is going to be a lot of good information and a lot of fun!
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