Friday, November 7, 2008

Lily White Photography

I finally got my web-site up and going! It is a lot of work to get started on something like this, but I love it so much!

The name Lily White goes back to my dad. He used that term to desribe many things and I laugh a little inside when I say it. It may be silly, but as I have wrote before I wish that I had more pictures of my dad and with my dad through years. So I want to give that gift to the people I take pictures for.
It is comforting to know that I can look back at my babies' sweet rolls when they are grown and married. I can also remember how young we were as by that time Scott and I will probably have strands of white and fine lines and wrinkles. I love growing and growing together. There is so much beauty in a long life together as a family. God set up a wonderful gift for us here on Earth, the gift of our family. It is worth every effort to build a strong family bond.
I'll get off my soap box now and give you the web-site to my page. Take a look when you find the time :)
Let me know what you think!


Wanting What I Have said...

How cool!!! I just went to your site! That is so awesome!!! I've been out of the loop for a little while...didn't realize you were doing that! I LOVED looking at all the pics you've taken! I hope things go well for you! :) And I love the name. I don't think it is silly at all.

Anonymous said...

Great job Magan! I know you're going to do great!

Anonymous said...

I just noticed the time on my comment says 3:54 AM! Something is wrong with the clock on this computer-I can't get it to reset!