Sunday, December 14, 2008

Zoolight Safari 2008

Well this year Colby, Mellissa, and Ben made the trip to the Zoolight with us. It was fairly warm during the day, so we decided it would not be too cold. It was Forty degrees and dropping when we got there at 5:15 pm, but we went in. The boys loved all of the lights, not even aware of others around us and they both scream “Momma Dadda LOOK at that one, LOOK at that other one”. The best part for little Davis was the Christmas lights set to music in the Childrens area. We were all standing around watching the lights when Davis walked towards the lights and found an empty bench. He crawled his little bottom up into that bench and started dancing with the music. When he realized we were not with him, he looked back (still swaying) and patted the seats next to him on the bench. Well…I guess we just had to join him. Sam and I got a kick out of petting all of the animals…even got to pet a groundhog. We ended with a ride on the Christmas Train, and we got the one that was apparently un-Christmas…its lights did not work and only Colby would sing “Silver Bells” in a falsetto voice to help lighten the mood. Anyway it was fun, and Davis even danced a little more as we passed the musical lights on the train. Too Cold…Home…after some Jim’n’Nicks BBQ first. This is a quick video of Davis going to sit and watch the lights. Look closely and you will see his left hand patting the seat.

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