Each night before Sam goes to bed, he says his prayers which always end with a growing list of people we need to pray for. We have been remembering his new teacher who has a broke foot, Mrs. Marquita, and many from our church congregation.
But tonight, he got a little frustrated when he could not remember someone’s name. He was trying to get me to help him remember by saying “You know, that lady”. This did not help, so I asked him what about that lady in an effort to figure out who he was praying for. Then he said “You know…like in the fire”. Now I was really confused…I asked him if someone he knew from school or church had been in a fire. Clearly frustrated, he repeated again “No Dad, it’s like a fire”…
Running through the list of names on our church prayer list…it finally dawned on me. Then I remembered an elderly lady of our congregation that had recently fallen and broken her arm, and finally understanding his logic I laughed and asked Sam, “Are you talking about Mrs. Virginia BURNES (pronounced the same as burns)?”
He smiled and said “Yeah”, then continued to ask God to help Mrs. BURNES…
Friday, September 11, 2009
Sometimes those boys have a little too much fun during bathtime. They have recently been “accidentally” spilling lots of water out of the tub and onto the floor. I have tried various things to make them stop this liking shortening the bath playtime, taking away toys, and one swat apiece…but they just have so much fun playing together laughing that it is hard for me to really be sincere in their punishment.
Well last night, they ended up with a lot more water than they usually have, and I was busy in the dining room on the computer. I heard them laughing and carrying along, then I heard lots of splashing. Busy at the computer I yelled in to them that they would get in trouble if they were spilling water. “We’re not” they both said.
Finally going in to check on them I found water everywhere…and a little upset at them I decided a new approach. I let the water out and went back to our bedroom to speak with Magan. I usually dry them off and help them get ready for bed, but tonight I was just going to leave them in an empty tub with no towel to stay warm. I let Magan know about this decision and as we spoke about our days, we began to hear laughing and cackling and loud noises coming from the bathroom.
I looked down the hallway to the bathroom to see two shiny red bottoms that had gotten out of the tub, and were now leaned over the tub rolling a ping pong ball all over the tub. They seemed to think this was hilarious, and apparently had no problems with any chills as they started chasing each other around the living room naked. Oh well…you choose your battles, and those kids are just too funny for me to win that one.
Well last night, they ended up with a lot more water than they usually have, and I was busy in the dining room on the computer. I heard them laughing and carrying along, then I heard lots of splashing. Busy at the computer I yelled in to them that they would get in trouble if they were spilling water. “We’re not” they both said.
Finally going in to check on them I found water everywhere…and a little upset at them I decided a new approach. I let the water out and went back to our bedroom to speak with Magan. I usually dry them off and help them get ready for bed, but tonight I was just going to leave them in an empty tub with no towel to stay warm. I let Magan know about this decision and as we spoke about our days, we began to hear laughing and cackling and loud noises coming from the bathroom.
I looked down the hallway to the bathroom to see two shiny red bottoms that had gotten out of the tub, and were now leaned over the tub rolling a ping pong ball all over the tub. They seemed to think this was hilarious, and apparently had no problems with any chills as they started chasing each other around the living room naked. Oh well…you choose your battles, and those kids are just too funny for me to win that one.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
2 Success Stories in 2 Days!
Today was Sam's first day of School (he will be going 3 days a week from 8:30-12:30)
We went yesterday to get his backpack at Wal-mart. As soon as he saw the Ironman bag (which he thinks is a power ranger) he knew without a doubt that was the one he wanted. He has pretty much been wearing it since we picked it up off the shelf.
My morning started at 5:30 this morning......I will explain all of that in a minute....
7:00 I heard the school bus slam on its breaks to pick up our neighbor. Sam apparently also heard the same thing.
7:04 I feel a soft tapping on my back and roll over to see a big smile on a 4 yr old boy's face who is dressed from head to toe with backpack, shoes, and all.
I hug him and told him HAPPY SCHOOL DAY!
7:15 Sit down for breakfast and see that Sam is thinking. He says "Mom, I don't know my friends at school..."
I quickly assure him that he will know them soon and that they will have lots of fun together, then CHANGE THE SUBJECT before he starts to think about it too much.
7:25 He has eaten breakfast and is dancing around the house asking when we could wake Davis up to get him ready.
7:30 Davis calling from his room to get out, ( I think a dancing little boy in shoes woke him up)
7:35 Both boys on the front stairs to take a first day of school picture.
8:00 In the car driving to school (I didn't get lost this time, like I did for open house. That's a whole story by itself, lol)
8:21 Pull into school, take the boys in, take pic with teacher, kiss Sam's cheek, Davis and Sam give hugs and sugar, and I leave with a 2 year old who wants to see his teacher too.
That's it, my little boy is in school....I am so thankful he didn't cry....but I want to cry myself.....I pray that we are making the best decision for him and that he will be a good influence on his friends as he grows.....that God will shield him from all the bad things and influences that will be around him as he goes to school through the years......that his teachers are good, honest, and kind.......and I know he is only in pre-school but there are many years ahead. I trust that God will take care of him and I hope he is the light he needs to be.
It is hard not to think of those little baby rolls he had and his little shy grin without crying. I know people say this all of the time, but how did it all go by so fast! I love you Sam Jonas Earl Junkin!
......Now back to 5:30 this morning. Davis has been potty training for the past few weeks. He started to tell me when he needed to tee tee so I would run him to the potty. Since he told me he had to go every time he felt an urge, we were in the potty VERY often. I have watched a naked little bottom jiggle it's way to the potty and dance around the bathroom so many times I can't count. I never get tired of it though : ) Most of the time it is followed by him saying "Need wash my hands, and I need a piece of candy"
(On a side note, we had a lot of tee tee in the grass stops on our way to the beach)
The pooping in the potty has been a different story up until yesterday!!!! He told me he needed to poop and he made it to the potty with no trouble. The second time he told me but had went a little bit in his underwear, but he finished in the potty!
......5:30 this morning I hear him on the monitor, "mooooom I want to wear my spider man underwear"
I go in his room to see him laying down, I really think he was dreaming about it. I told him it was still night night time and we would get his underwear in the morning. I asked if he needed to go tee tee in the potty and he sat up and said sleepily "yeah" He went and I laid him back in bed and he went BACK TO SLEEP! I couldn't believe it! He woke up to go tee tee.
Then we ran by a store after we dropped Sam off at school. He told me when he needed to tee tee and about 2 minutes later he told me he needed to go poops. SO, no real accidents in almost 2 days and he has also woke up dry at nap time the past 2 days. It seems too good to be true, but hopefully he will keep it up! Then we will only have one in diapers in a few months instead of two, yay!!!!!
I will have to add some pics of Davis in his big boy spider man underwear soon : )
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