Friday, September 11, 2009

Prayer List

Each night before Sam goes to bed, he says his prayers which always end with a growing list of people we need to pray for. We have been remembering his new teacher who has a broke foot, Mrs. Marquita, and many from our church congregation.

But tonight, he got a little frustrated when he could not remember someone’s name. He was trying to get me to help him remember by saying “You know, that lady”. This did not help, so I asked him what about that lady in an effort to figure out who he was praying for. Then he said “You know…like in the fire”. Now I was really confused…I asked him if someone he knew from school or church had been in a fire. Clearly frustrated, he repeated again “No Dad, it’s like a fire”…

Running through the list of names on our church prayer list…it finally dawned on me. Then I remembered an elderly lady of our congregation that had recently fallen and broken her arm, and finally understanding his logic I laughed and asked Sam, “Are you talking about Mrs. Virginia BURNES (pronounced the same as burns)?”

He smiled and said “Yeah”, then continued to ask God to help Mrs. BURNES…

1 comment:

Wanting What I Have said...

Hey! We miss y'all! I laughed at this MW kept telling me about the lady with the eyes in her brain...still not sure the logic or thinking on that one! How is baby girl? :)