The other night I wanted to read to the boys before bed time. I wish I could say this is something we do every single night, but then reality sets in.
Up until this point, sitting down with the boys to read meant that I read to Sam and Davis climbed on my shoulders or came by for an occasional glance at the pictures.
Finally, Davis has gotten more interested in listening and SITTING with us.
We read 4 books with both boys listening and laughing and loving it. My little piece of heaven came when I felt both boys' little heads lying on each of my shoulders completely involved in the book and loving on their mom. Davis had his little hand resting on my arm. I had all three of my babies resting on me and it was truly a blessing from God.
Speaking of that third baby girl. I am now going to the DR. every two weeks which means the end is near : )
I am about 1 and 1/2 months away from holding this soft sweet little bundle in my arms!
Please pray for us and for a safe and healthy delivery when the time arrives.
I do have to note that she is rolling all over the place! One of my favorite things to do is sit things like the remote on my belly and watch her kick at it and sometimes knock it off : )
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