Saturday, November 7, 2009

Disney On Ice

Well, Magan and I made a last minute decision to take the boys to Disney on Ice on Friday. We figure our opportunities for little adventures with just the boys are getting fewer by the day. Belle is now planned to be here on 11/30/09, unless she is ready sooner. Exciting!

We surprised the boys at the BJCC, only when we got there did we let them know what we were going to see. Sam takes surprises about as well as I do (not really well), and it took him a while to smile and act like he was in favor with our change of his plans. Davis was very exciting running to the door to get in.

Sam says that his favorite was seeing Woody and Buzz. He also likes Mickey Mouse, Donald, and the Genie. "That's my favorite thing I likes" he tells me.

Davis quickly tells me that "[In]Credibles" is his favorite. He also liked Woody and he even liked the "princesses too Dad".

We had to move seats a few times because I like just trying out the seats that are available, and that only works until the people that have those seats show up.

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