Friday, December 18, 2009

Back to the Blogging

November 7th was the last blog...Wow...I guess we have been a little busy. Anabelle Ottriss Rene' Junkin is now a part of our family. We have her Social Security card and everything, so I guess she is official. I am off work until after Christmas, so I figured I would finally get to some blogs. But now I have forgotten most of the things I was supposed to blog about.

Ok...I have some other blogs and pictures to post, so this is just a quick blog to get me used to blogging again.

I had a quick random thought the other day about my work and the quirky things that happen. You ever notice that we sometimes just repeat what other people say in their salutations and goodbyes. When someone says to me "hello", I often reply "hello". Or if they choose to say "Good Morning", I reply "good morning". Davis is our little echo in the car as he repeats about everything magan or I say...I wonder if we develop this parrotting characteristic from an early age. I first noticed that this constant repeating is often inaccurate as I leave my work building, the guard often says "Drive Safe", and I replied "Drive Safe", then continued walking and thinking about why my brain told me to repeat exactly what the guard had said (The guard was not about to drive anywhere, I have also replied "you too" when confronted with a Drive Safe. But the other person was not about to drive anywhere). If I reply "thank you" I don't know why I have really thanked them, and if I reply "I will" it sounds quite arrogant. I think maybe just a "I shall prepare myself to do my very best" would probably be the best response.

Ok, Ok, On to the blogs....

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