Monday, January 18, 2010

Fun Day back in the Sun

I will begin my blog on Martin Luther King Jr day with a book recommendation, The Help, by Kathryn Stockett. I am about 2/3rds of the way through this audiobook, and it is great. It tells the story of black maids “the help” working for white women in Jackson, MS during the civil rights movement. It talks about the racial lines that were not crossed in those days, and how those lines were passed down from one generation to the next. It is amazing to me to know that this is the way things were only about 40 years ago. We’ve still got some issues, but we’re making progress, one generation at a time.

OK…just wanted to also write quickly about the fun things we did today outside. Magan and I were cleaning in the basement and the garage, and I looked out the window to see Dave dragging his big wheel up the little hill behind the house. This was strange to me, because Sam is more of the thrill seeker, and Davis is usually scared about speeding down hills. I ran outside just to make sure he was ok, and then he came down pretty fast, but stopped short of the swingset. Sam witnessed this initial trip down, and immediately wanted to join in the fun…but he first ran to get him and Dave some “helmets” (plastic police man hats).

Here are some pics of them as they went up and down and up and down the hill…

And back in the house, Magan had found a barn that works for their megablocks, which we found out made a good base for our tower to the ceiling. So I moved it over to the bunkbed ladder where they could build it really high. They had a blast and made the tower several times. The picture below is 2 seconds before it collapsed…then was kicked and punched to the ground.
And Davis got to hold a little lizard, It was "his friend"
This was the other night, but it is usually where they like to sit on the couch. :)

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