Friday, December 18, 2009

The Boys and their Sister

While I do not think we realize fully yet the transition from 2 to 3, it is great that Sam and Davis seem to have taken the addition of Anabelle very well. They both hold her, and kiss her, and sometimes will not leave her alone, but they are very sweet with her. It seems that wherever we lay Belle down to nap, the boys end up choosing that place to pull all of their toys over and play. They just want to be near her.

Sam just constantly wants to hold her. He often laughs at her little hiccups or sneezes, smiles so big when she is holding his finger. He is also our designated pacifier installer, because if she is crying, he immediately wants to make her feel better, and the pacifier stops the crying. He wanted to hold her the other night, and Magan and I were working on the computers in separate rooms. I heard everything get quiet for awhile, and when I went to check on him, I found him asleep sitting up holding her. It was pretty sweet, and I’ve got a picture below.

Davis tells me all the time “She’s cute” and he likes her, but I think he is ready for her to start playing with him. Jokingly I told him the other day that she would be throwing the ball with him soon. Shortly after that, I saw him throwing the ball at her on the couch! I had to quickly explain “not yet”.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She is beautiful! The card you sent was precious. I am so glad the boys are adjusting well. Wish you were here! Have a Happy New Year!