Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Sam's Lego Shirt

Sam is really into Legos right now, and when Magan found him a Lego shirt at Kid’s Market, he fell in love. I think he wore it every day for a week before we could get it off of him to wash.

With his love of the Lego shirt in mind, and Sam’s stubbornness, I relate the following…Sam and Davis continually make extreme messes taking baths together, usually with water ending up all over the floor. I am pretty sure I have already blogged about other incidents involving bathroom messes. In this occasion after getting them out and getting their pajamas on, I went back in the bathroom and noticed the water all of the floor that I had not noticed earlier.

I called both of the boys back in and began scolding them for their mess, then trying a new approach for little Sam, again wearing his Lego shirt, I told Sam next time I would use his Lego shirt to wipe up the mess. He looked up at me in horror but then with no hesitation said “I would still wear it”. I told him that he would not, and that we would have to wash it. He then told me that he would take it and hide it from me.

Now Sam and I did have a little better discussion about his role and my role, but I have to admit, when that guy is passionate about something, he is not one to back down.

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