Saturday, August 28, 2010

Guy’s Day Out 2010

Last year we tried Six Flags in Atlanta, so this year we opted for an Atlanta Braves baseball game. The Braves are doing well this year, and being at the ball field with the family earlier in August, I really was looking forward to coming back. The planned meeting place was the same as last year…Pell City Walmart.

And while waiting for everyone, I found a clearance sale in the toys section. Everything was marked down to 80% off, and I was having a blast loading up with cheap toys. Having so much fun that I did not hear my cell phone when everyone else arrived, and as I was price checking some Strawberry Shortcake items, I turned to see Dad, Colby, and John staring at me.

So after checking out at Walmart, we went and had lunch at Golden Rule BBQ. It was pretty good, but also just good to eat lunch and chat with family. Dad drove us on to Atlanta and we arrived at the Ball Game about 2 hours before the game. This was great for me, as I have been wanting to watch batting practice and look around the field. We got our picture as we went in…

Batting Practice was pretty cool. We sat in the shade of Left Field and saw a few balls hit over right towards us. One ball landed about 5 rows down from where we were sitting. We then split up (Colby and Dad, Me and John) to tour the field. I don’t know where they went, but me and John went up to the top level of the field to see the view behind home plate from the upper deck. This may be the best seat in the house. Great View.

The game was great. The Braves beat the Florida Marlins, and we got to see 4 braves home runs and Tim Hudson threw 13 strikeouts. We sat on the right field side almost in the outfield but down at the field level. We also later found out that this was Daddy/Daughter day at Turner Field, so it was just that much more special to all of us.

After the game we waited in the long line to get out of traffic and back on the interstate. It was about 10:00 EST before we were able to leave, so we had a long drive back. We did stop for a 4th meal at Taco Bell. This is what John wanted and we ended up passing it, then coming back and passing it again, then Dad went off-roading through some bushes to finally get us to Taco Bell. It was late by the time we all got home, but I think everyone had fun.

Friday, August 27, 2010

More Stories from the Monster Truck

Sam is getting to be a better driver of the Monster Truck (Power Wheel), even though he only gets to practice when I am home. Magan seems to have a heart attack everytime she sees him near it. I, on the other hand, figure that he may or may not crash again, I just figure little boys need to do some monster truck drivin as much as possible.

I have noticed some influences from his morning TV routine. I have been turning on Monster Jam in the mornings instead of cartoons. He seemed to like this for a change, and we both like seeing the cool tricks and jumps of Gravedigger, Torro Loco, and Renegade.

One noticed improvement following his new TV show is Sam is much better in reverse. He makes sure that anytime he parks the Monster Truck, he backs into the garage.

Another noticed improvement is him not fussing when Davis wants to ride (Yes, Davis is also again a fan). I was just finishing weedeating in the front yard last week, when I heard some loud banging and crunching coming from our driveway. When I made my way over to the driveway, I saw a mess. Pieces of SUPER MEGA Blocks were ALL OVER the driveway, along with pretty much all of their scooters, bigwheels, and other ride on toys. Then I saw them...both boys with big smiles come around the corner from the backyard smashing over the blocks and bouncing over the scooter and other toys, laughing as these tiny toys were crushed by the mighty Monster Truck.

The next day I was weedeating in the backyard at the top of the hill, when I heard Sam yell at me. "What do you need". "Watch this Dad" I heard, then Sam ran back around to the side of the house where I could not see him. I moved further down the hill where I could see the basketball goal and portions of the driveway. And again I saw Sam and Davis speeding along the driveway heading straight towards the basketball goal. BOOM, they rammed the basketball goal. Agreeing that this was pretty cool, I raised my arm to give them a fist pump cheer, when then the cool got even cooler. Sam slammed on the gas again and the Monster Truck began to climb the triangular base of the basketball goal, placing the front end of the Monster Truck at a 45 degree angle 2.5 feet up in the air. Back in reverse, they slammed back to the ground and then drove over towards me..."Did you see that?" they asked..."yes I did, Boo yah" I replied.

And one more story from about a month ago...I was walking back from the mailbox when I noticed that Sam had driven the Monster Truck from the backyard around to the front door, and was staring intently at the very steep slope back down to the driveway. He is not supposed to be up there, and I scolded him from the driveway. "Well come on down this time" I told him. Sam began his descent and then made what could have been a critical mistake...and I will admit scared me a bit...when he began turning the truck at the steepest portion. He began sliding sideways, and then continued turning and spun a 180, landing at my feet on the driveway pointing away from me back up the hill. He looked back up at me with scared eyes, then...I guess realizing that he had made it...he began a loud whooping call of triumph ending with an intense "OHYEAH". This cracked me up, but I made him understand that he must never go up there again.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Sam goes to School

On the Monday after our trip to Atlanta, we took Sam to visit his new school and meet his teacher. He was so excited and even more so when he saw his friend Nathan coming out of the school as we were arriving. They enjoyed climbing on the walls of the school which should probably be something we should not allow, but we just take pictures.

We then went in and he got to meet Mrs. Garrett. Mrs. Garrett was very nice and said she is going to take good care of Sam. While Mom talked to Mrs. Garrett, Dad went and got in the lines for a Bus #, a Car Rider # and a Lunch Account #. So after an hour in these lines we made it home.
Mrs. Benet also made him some cupcakes to "help him get ready for school"

On Thursday, Sam had his first day of school. I waited to go into work a little late and we all got our picture with our big school boy. Magan took him and walked him into his class. She said he did great.

Sam has told us all about the lunches. He loves the chocolate milk (“You can get it every day”), and popsicles. He told us that Mrs. Garrett was going to have a baby boy soon. He has made a new friend, Shannon (boy). Mrs. Garrett has a big thing of glue (This is very exciting to Sam because of his love of art supplies).

One little girl is going to miss that Sam...

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Atlanta 2010 – Day 4 (Church in Macon)

On our last day, we traveled down to Macon to go to church with Bob Myhan. Bob baptized me at this church in Macon and the church family here have always been close to my heart. Bob preached a good lesson on the roles of an evangelist, and afterwards we ate at a local Mexican restaurant. Once again while visiting Bob, we forgot to get any pictures.

At home Sam was very excited to get to open his bottle of Coca-Cola.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Atlanta 2010 – Day 3 (Stone Mountain)

No, we did not begin this day at IKEA, but we did begin by taking a while to get to Stone Mountain. We stopped to buy Mom some breakfast at a McDonalds and must have waited 15 minutes for a breakfast burrito, and there was no line…this was ridiculous. But we made it to the mountain, and the kids were very impressed.

We began by taking the picture at the carving and then decided it was time to go to the top. Sam and Davis were both whining a bit about how scary it would be, thinking that their parents were just going to take them to the top where they could barely hang on. Anyway we made it to the top, with Davis bending down and holding his legs “I’m holding on, Mom”.

We had a blast on top of the mountain. Magan and Belle stayed with us for awhile, but then she took Belle back in because it was hot and we were afraid of a Sun burn. Davis and Sam just ran around at the top, then Sam decided he would start trekking down the mountain (on the side that you can hike down). We did follow him for a bit, then turning around realized quickly that this was more difficult. Davis quickly agreed to my inquiry about riding on my back and we made it back to the top and back to the girls.

Back down the hill, we ate at Miss Kates, which was excellent. Similar to Lambert’s of Foley, AL, they had some rolls that you had to catch. The food was delicious and more than enough for us. We then decided to take the train ride around the mountain which was a great place to let our bellies rest.

After the train ride, I suggested that we watch the 4D adventure “Journey to the Center of the Earth”, to which Sam and Davis said “NO, its to scary”. They wanted no more of any 4D adventures.

Sam and I then went to get in line for the SKY HIKE. This was the neatest thing to me at Stone Mountain, and is perfect for anybody that wants to hang 12’ to 24’ to 36’ above everyone in line as you travel an obstacle course in the sky. It was great, except for the wait time of 1 hour. They had a large play area for Davis to enjoy while Sam and I went on our SKY HIKE.

Sam was very brave during this obstacle course. The Harness would not let you fall very far, but he never fell down, nor did I. We went across the whole level 1 (12’) course, with only a couple of scares, where I had to hold Sam’s hand as he walked across a 4 inch wide plank suspended 12 feet in the air. He did great, so I asked if he wanted to try level 2 and he said OK. The second level had quite a few more challenges and several almost falls, which I guess to a 5 year old suspended 24 feet in the air was a little scary. But he still did great. When asked about level 3, we both said “NO”. This was a one hour wait, but we were probably in the attraction for about 1.5 hours, so well worth the wait.

After a little more shopping, we decided it was time to go. But I want to go back. Stone Mountain was great, and there was plenty of other things to enjoy that we did not have time for.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Atlanta 2010 – Day 2 (World of Coca-Cola, Braves Game)

The day actually began with another trip to IKEA to purchase some things that Magan and I had to talk over. But then we were on our way downtown to the World of Coca-Cola museum. On this day they had lots of outdoor activities in the green area between the coke museum and the Aquarium. Sam and Davis played here while I went to purchase the tickets.

After a quick lunch in this outside area, we made our way inside the museum. The museum begins with a cute movie about what goes on inside the coca cola machines when a quarter is inserted. It is a funny little movie, and the kids really liked it. We then came out and toured the actual mini-cola plant and bottling company that makes the colas for the museum. And we each got to get one later that was made at this plant. I am drinking one right now as I write this blog…and it is sooo good.

Next on our tour was visiting a massive amount of coca cola memorabilia that was also in the old coke museum elsewhere in Atlanta. Then we got to meet the cola Polar Bear. He was really neat. He stood about 7 feet tall and his eyes blinked and…anyway it was a pretty neat character, and all the kids loved getting to give him a high five. Belle wanted to pet his nose.

Up the elevator we went to our next stop…the Motion 4D adventure of the Magic behind coca cola. We found out very quickly that seats that move up and down quickly, loud noises, and water being sprayed on you was not what Miss Belle wanted. So Magan got up and stood by the exit door as we continued to watch. Then some dragonflies appeared on screen and as they flew into the audience in 3D, some motion within the seat was activated and it felt like they flew past your side…but to Davis this motion was a little higher and felt like the dragonfly had just bitten his ear. He went crazy…screaming and crying while magan took them both out. Sam had enough himself, but pushed himself to make it to the end.

Two more memorabilia areas walked us through the bad decision of going to NEW COKE in the 80s, which lasted only 79 days before they re-released the classic coca cola. Then we got to see all of the Max Headroom stuff, and then Magan got to sit on the American Idol couch.

We then visited the signature area of this museum…the taste testing area. Where you can taste colas from all over the world, and all of the different types of coke in our country. It is always fun, but there were so many people that we did not stay long. Sam and Davis loved the watermelon colas, grape colas, and pink lemonade. On the way out, they allowed each visitor to pick up one of the freshly bottle colas from the plant downstairs.

It was now only 3:30PM and the Braves Baseball game was not scheduled to begin until 7:30PM, but we thought we would head over that way because the kids might get a nap in the van. We made it to turner field, parked and everyone took a nap. Then the rain came…and came…and came… We watched the rain get so hard that we could no longer see Turner field right next to us. And through it all the amazing parking attendants just stayed outside. It was crazy. Around 6 we had a break in the rain and made our way to the stadium.

We made our way up to the 755 club (This was a special privilege with the tickets we bought). It was a nice place that was air conditioned, but the line for a table was very long and we were very hungry. So we went back down with the “commoners” J and ate hot dogs under a tent while the ran continued to come down. The game was delayed and we wandered around the park for about 3 hours, visiting the Cartoon Network area for the kids…then when everyone else in the park also had this idea, we left because it was too crowded. Sam and Davis did like this area though.

Finally after finding a cool area to rest for a bit…the game finally began around 9PM. Sam and Davis also got to buy them a souvenir bat. This would prove to be a very dangerous gift and something I would somewhat regret as the bat pounded on the window, my seat, and other things in the van for the rest of the vacation.

But the game began with a retirement ceremony for Tom Glavine, which was one of the great pitchers when I was keeping up with baseball and the braves. It was neat to see him, Dale Murphy, and Phil Neikro all on the stage together. The game began and we made it about 2 innings in our cramped seats along the third base line. We then moved back upstairs to the more comfortable 755 club to enjoy more of the baseball game. We got to see Chipper hit a one-hopper over the fence, and we got to see a home run ball hit towards us in left. We then decided that 11:30PM was a good time to leave the park. When we got home I found out they lost 3-2 in the 11th inning. Oh well…we had a good time.