And while waiting for everyone, I found a clearance sale in the toys section. Everything was marked down to 80% off, and I was having a blast loading up with cheap toys. Having so much fun that I did not hear my cell phone when everyone else arrived, and as I was price checking some Strawberry Shortcake items, I turned to see Dad, Colby, and John staring at me.
So after checking out at Walmart, we went and had lunch at Golden Rule BBQ. It was pretty good, but also just good to eat lunch and chat with family. Dad drove us on to Atlanta and we arrived at the Ball Game about 2 hours before the game. This was great for me, as I have been wanting to watch batting practice and look around the field. We got our picture as we went in…
Batting Practice was pretty cool. We sat in the shade of Left Field and saw a few balls hit over right towards us. One ball landed about 5 rows down from where we were sitting. We then split up (Colby and Dad, Me and John) to tour the field. I don’t know where they went, but me and John went up to the top level of the field to see the view behind home plate from the upper deck. This may be the best seat in the house. Great View.
The game was great. The Braves beat the Florida Marlins, and we got to see 4 braves home runs and Tim Hudson threw 13 strikeouts. We sat on the right field side almost in the outfield but down at the field level. We also later found out that this was Daddy/Daughter day at Turner Field, so it was just that much more special to all of us.
After the game we waited in the long line to get out of traffic and back on the interstate. It was about 10:00 EST before we were able to leave, so we had a long drive back. We did stop for a 4th meal at Taco Bell. This is what John wanted and we ended up passing it, then coming back and passing it again, then Dad went off-roading through some bushes to finally get us to Taco Bell. It was late by the time we all got home, but I think everyone had fun.