Friday, August 27, 2010

More Stories from the Monster Truck

Sam is getting to be a better driver of the Monster Truck (Power Wheel), even though he only gets to practice when I am home. Magan seems to have a heart attack everytime she sees him near it. I, on the other hand, figure that he may or may not crash again, I just figure little boys need to do some monster truck drivin as much as possible.

I have noticed some influences from his morning TV routine. I have been turning on Monster Jam in the mornings instead of cartoons. He seemed to like this for a change, and we both like seeing the cool tricks and jumps of Gravedigger, Torro Loco, and Renegade.

One noticed improvement following his new TV show is Sam is much better in reverse. He makes sure that anytime he parks the Monster Truck, he backs into the garage.

Another noticed improvement is him not fussing when Davis wants to ride (Yes, Davis is also again a fan). I was just finishing weedeating in the front yard last week, when I heard some loud banging and crunching coming from our driveway. When I made my way over to the driveway, I saw a mess. Pieces of SUPER MEGA Blocks were ALL OVER the driveway, along with pretty much all of their scooters, bigwheels, and other ride on toys. Then I saw them...both boys with big smiles come around the corner from the backyard smashing over the blocks and bouncing over the scooter and other toys, laughing as these tiny toys were crushed by the mighty Monster Truck.

The next day I was weedeating in the backyard at the top of the hill, when I heard Sam yell at me. "What do you need". "Watch this Dad" I heard, then Sam ran back around to the side of the house where I could not see him. I moved further down the hill where I could see the basketball goal and portions of the driveway. And again I saw Sam and Davis speeding along the driveway heading straight towards the basketball goal. BOOM, they rammed the basketball goal. Agreeing that this was pretty cool, I raised my arm to give them a fist pump cheer, when then the cool got even cooler. Sam slammed on the gas again and the Monster Truck began to climb the triangular base of the basketball goal, placing the front end of the Monster Truck at a 45 degree angle 2.5 feet up in the air. Back in reverse, they slammed back to the ground and then drove over towards me..."Did you see that?" they asked..."yes I did, Boo yah" I replied.

And one more story from about a month ago...I was walking back from the mailbox when I noticed that Sam had driven the Monster Truck from the backyard around to the front door, and was staring intently at the very steep slope back down to the driveway. He is not supposed to be up there, and I scolded him from the driveway. "Well come on down this time" I told him. Sam began his descent and then made what could have been a critical mistake...and I will admit scared me a bit...when he began turning the truck at the steepest portion. He began sliding sideways, and then continued turning and spun a 180, landing at my feet on the driveway pointing away from me back up the hill. He looked back up at me with scared eyes, then...I guess realizing that he had made it...he began a loud whooping call of triumph ending with an intense "OHYEAH". This cracked me up, but I made him understand that he must never go up there again.

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