Thursday, August 12, 2010

Sam goes to School

On the Monday after our trip to Atlanta, we took Sam to visit his new school and meet his teacher. He was so excited and even more so when he saw his friend Nathan coming out of the school as we were arriving. They enjoyed climbing on the walls of the school which should probably be something we should not allow, but we just take pictures.

We then went in and he got to meet Mrs. Garrett. Mrs. Garrett was very nice and said she is going to take good care of Sam. While Mom talked to Mrs. Garrett, Dad went and got in the lines for a Bus #, a Car Rider # and a Lunch Account #. So after an hour in these lines we made it home.
Mrs. Benet also made him some cupcakes to "help him get ready for school"

On Thursday, Sam had his first day of school. I waited to go into work a little late and we all got our picture with our big school boy. Magan took him and walked him into his class. She said he did great.

Sam has told us all about the lunches. He loves the chocolate milk (“You can get it every day”), and popsicles. He told us that Mrs. Garrett was going to have a baby boy soon. He has made a new friend, Shannon (boy). Mrs. Garrett has a big thing of glue (This is very exciting to Sam because of his love of art supplies).

One little girl is going to miss that Sam...

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