Monday, November 8, 2010

Early Mornings with the Boys…and Captain America

I know I have blogged about this before, but it is somewhat of a joy (for me, probably not Magan) to have two little boys up with me before I leave to work in the mornings. Almost without fail each morning while I am taking my shower (around 5:40am) I hear the door open and Davis start asking me about why I have not fixed his milk and his “bar” (nutrigrain bar). Sam is usually up with him since neither of them can wake up without waking up the other one. But I love fixing them some breakfast and getting some big hugs before I leave.

Aunt Melissa has given Davis a gift that has transformed him into Captain America. This costume which was a little late for Halloween has been his outfit for the last few days. He just has to wear it. He also does not answer to Davis while in costume…he IS Captain America.

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