Saturday, November 6, 2010

Space and Rocket Center with Uncle Marc

We have been trying to make it up to Huntsville to visit Uncle Marc for awhile, but things just kept coming up. But we were attending Ben’s birthday party in Decatur one Saturday evening, so decided it was a good time to visit him in the morning.

Marcus lives basically across 565 from the Space and Rocket Center and has a nice two bedroom townhome. It looked like the typical bachelor pad, stocked with a bicycle in the living room, a drum set and electric guitar in the guest room, and enough flat screen tvs for a family of 5.

It was good getting to visit him and see his place. He then took us to a local meat and two place “Blue Plate”. It was very good. He then agreed to come with us to the Space and Rocket Center even tho he was probably much more interested in the football game that was just coming on.

The Space and Rocket Center is very neat but very expensive (Tip: Just buy a McWane Center membership and admission is free). The main museum walks you through the process of making it to the moon, while you walk directly beneath a Saturn rocket.

I found some pictures of when Sam was smaller and at the rocket center. He still likes this ride even though he has a hard time showing his emotions.
Sam is the short one in both pictures...
Those little boys got big in a hurry...

We told Marc goodbye and hope we can visit him again soon.

FYI...Magan and I have a picture in front of this mural when we were dating, but now you can't get to it because it is part of the special exhibits...Oh well.

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