Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween 2011

Davis was a mouse for his halloween party at school, and Belle was a little lamb. I think they have worn these costumes at previous halloweens, but his party had a barn animal mouse it was.

The kids LOVE halloween. Is it the candy or the decorating...or BOTH! Magan found Sam and Davis in the backyard shortly after this picture rolling the trees and our new fence with toilet paper. Apparently Sam had seen this or heard about it on the bus. I later explained to him that this act of rolling was only done for ex-girlfriends that dumped you unexpectedly or for close friends that you wanted to ensure their parents got to clean up the next morning.

Sam and Davis then got to go to another halloween party. This was a friend of Sam's in his class. Magan said it was pretty neat all of the stuff they had for the kids to do at this party. And they had a hay ride if you can't tell by Sam's pants below.

And finally on Halloween night, Sam decided to paint his Lotso face on instead of wearing the hat. Belle loved trick or treating and they gave her candy everywhere she said thank you...I wonder how magical this must have been in her mind. Then her mom let her have a sucker, and she was ready to just ride in the wagon more trick or treating necessary.

We ran into our superhero match...Captain America Dad with his Green Lantern boy, and Green Lantern Dad with his Captain America boy.

Happy Halloween 2011!!!....starring

Dad as Green Lantern

Mom as The "Wicked" witch

Belle as Dorothy

Davis as Captain America

Sam as Lotso the Huggin Bear

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