Monday, January 9, 2012

Lights in the Darkness

We have three beautful faces that brighten my day every day. I love them and know they are some of our greatest gifts from above.
God had a different plan for our fourth little blessing. Eliot went home to shine his light down from above. I find it hard to see his little light sometimes and feel the darkness creeping in. I close my eyes and pray and hold tight to the promise of Heaven where we will meet again....I open my eyes and see three little lights shining around my feet and remember that God knows my heart, He knows that deep down I have strength that only He knew I had.
I will get up and I will work to be the light that He wants me to be too. I will hold Eliot in my heart and I will shine for him here on Earth where he didn't get the chance to shine.
Lord help me be the light in the darkness to bring your children to you, the children you have lost....I know that you want to hold them in your hands and you want to comfort them and watch them grow even more than I want to hold my Eliot, even though that is so hard for me to comprehend. Thank you for the joy of knowing that he is safe with You. I pray that I will help bring your lost children back to their home with You too. I pray that our children will grow and live their life to serve you and to bring more and more of Your children back into Your arms.

Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. (James 1: 2-4)

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God.... Romans 8:28

The Lord is my light and my salvation; Psalm 27:1

I am setting my eyes on your light and it is so beautiful and merciful to me....darkness and sin suck up your beautiful light..... I will not let that be my light, please give me the strength I need to rid my life of that darkness...Amen

I love my sweet baby boy and know that each day brings me closer to holding you again....

Eliot Junkin
December 5, 2011

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