That's right...The Monster Jam. I had told Davis last year that we could go when it gets close to his birthday, and luckily I was listening to the radio on Friday when they said the last show was on Saturday. So the boys decided to have a day out, while the girls went shopping. We just bought some tickets from a guy on the street and got some great tickets at about half of the box office cost. We had our ear plugs, juice, and snacks to avoid the high priced foods...so we were ready to go. I was a little hesitant about Davis, as he gets pretty scared with loud stuff, but both him and Sam did great.

The boys quickly found the trucks they had been given by Santa Claus. Sam had "El Toro Loco" (The Crazy Bull right behind us and to the right) and Davis found the Dalmation "Monster Mutt". But then we found out there was a girl driving the Monster Mutt, so we had to cheer for someone else...The Gunslinger. The boys liked Grave Digger, but he got "hurt" early in the races, and had to go out to be fixed...Hopefully He will be back.

Above was the Championship Final race between Ironman and the Gunslinger. We were all pulling for the Gunslinger, but in the end, the Marvel Comic Book Legend beat him to the finish line. After the races, came something you could usually only see in your nightmares. A fire breathing metal dinosaur with claws strong enough to pull a car apart as it ate the car in half...seriously that is what we got to watch it do. AWESOME! The car that was the victim of "Megasaurus'" rage was apparently from Baton Rouge, as it had written on it "LSU rocks", "Go LSU"...Well, Megasaurus took care of this Honey Badger all by itself.

After Megasaurus, we watched the freestyle racing, where the trucks finally started going over the big ramp. Maximum Destruction was our favorite because he went up both sides of the ramp, causing destruction wherever he went....But what's that...
An Engine roared in the distance...The MC grabbed the microphone and said in dismay...Grave Digger is going to race? Then to the thundering crowd cheers, (This is all very similar to the climatic scene in Karate Kid I) we heard death bells ringing...The MC said "Grave Digger is ready to race". The crowd on its feet, Sam came out of his shell and both arms raised as the deafening roar of Grave Digger's engine muted "Bad to the Bone" which had started playing. Then Sam, Davis, and I watched the 30 year monster jam veteran fly across the field making jumps that none of the others had made. And just as is 60 seconds came to an end, he flew across three cars, landed on his side, wheel flew off, and crashed. The crowd erupted and cheered as the Victor, Dennis Anderson, jumped out of his truck. He then took the mike from the MC and said "No matter how small the arena, I just drive hard and fast for each one of you guys"
There is a reason they sell Cotten Candy for $15 bucks with a Grave Digger hat included...Cause he is the best. At least that is what Sam and Davis came away thinking. :) Great Show! And you can see below what they starting building as soon as they got home.
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