Friday, April 13, 2012

Night with the Barons

We try to visit the Barons at least once a year, and Magan had invited one of Sam's friends, Nathan, and one of Davis' friends, Tyler. This was a very fun idea, but then when I got in the van at my work where Magan picked me up, I started getting scared at this carload of crazy boys. We had a blast though, even trying to get them all to sit still at Chick-Fil-A right next to the play area, even trying to get them to sit through at least 2 innings of the ball game before running up to the inflatable play area, even trying to get them to calm down to eat the two funnel cakes covered with sugar. :) It WAS really fun. And I also realized that when a ball goes over your head, follow it, don't try to turn and look for it to hit the wall behind you, because by the time you find it again, it has already passed you missing your family by about 3 feet and hitting the guy sitting two rows down in the belly who was watching the ball exactly like you were doing.

Magan was super ready to take the boys down to meet the ball players. She told me that this guy was named Mitch. He is a pitcher for the Barons, and loves long walks on the beach, curling up next to a warm fire reading a Nicholas Sparks book, and ... Wait a minute...Hmmm...She's got some explaining to do...

Can you believe it? Babe Ruff was in the house. I think this all happened will I was waiting for the funnel cake man. And by the way, there was an old guy that broke in line in front of me because he saw there was only one pretzel left, and I think he thought I was going to get it. That was just bad form. I wasn't even eyeing the pretzel.

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