Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter 2012

Sam and Davis drew some good pictures for ole E. B. (Easter Bunny). And went to bed excited for the next morning...which apparently comes at 4:35 AM for Sam and Davis. I was awakened by Magan punching me on the arm saying "I think the boys are up". And yes they were, already crunching on some candy. No way, go back to bed, it is too early, I told them. And they did, then Sam tapped me on the shoulder at 5:30 AM. "GO BACK TO BED, do not bother me till after 6 o'clock" I told him. So then they both actually slept till almost 7. We had to wake Belle up, but she was super excited to see her new Princess Aurora barbie.

Sunday Morning took us to Nanny's after worshiping at Hanceville. We had a great time at Nanny's where she "threw some things together real quick" which included a ham, lima beans, mac and cheese, baked beans, potatoes, and a mess of food that seems to always come from a refridgerator that I now believe has a secret passageway into a grocery store. I truly understand why Abraham and Isaac had to lie about their wifes when they went out of town for the weekend, cause they were just too pretty, and people might kill you to get her. :)

Marcus' facebook comment on the picture above...Wow Misty looks young in this picture. :), I thought that was funny.

We spent a beautiful day outside at Nanny's then went to Granny and Granddaddy's. I was nice sitting on the porch there and enjoying the day, hoping Sam or Davis did not crash coming down the driveway. We then went to Bethesda that night for services, and met up with John and Tiay for supper at apparently the only restuarant where we will eat with them...Arby's.

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