Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Around The House

Just a few pictures from around the house...Dad turned 33, and Sam drew me as a fat guy on his card in the picture below.  He got tickled when I got on to him about making me a little fat guy, and he was a tall skinny guy.

Mrs. Benet came over to the house the other day, and Magan wanted Belle to show her the Princess wave (if you haven’t seen it, it is pretty hilarious, don’t know where she picked it up).  Belle looked at Magan and said very politely “No, I don’t have my shoes, I don’t have my princess dress, I’m sorry.”   

Davis was having a hard time writing his numbers in school, so Magan is making him practice each day when he gets home.  Yesterday, she said he did great till he got to 9 and 10.  When having troubles, Magan sent him into the kitchen to write them 4 times a piece.  She said she heard him in there just pouting and making some angry noises.  Then he came back in with his paper.  Magan asked to see his paper and immediately saw just scribble…”What is this”…Davis showed her the faces drawn on the paper and said “Those are my angry faces, see the big teeth”.  Davis had to try again.

When we got home Sunday, it was raining, so all of the games were cancelled.  Magan and I excited to have a chance to rest.  As we pulled into the garage, Sam started cheering “Yeah, a rainy day”.  Wondering why he was so excited, I asked him.  “You said you would play a board game with me on a rainy day”.  J  Can’t say I was looking forward to playing Monopoly for 1.5 hours, but fun seeing that big ole scratched up smile while we were playing.

One more Sam story.  I was telling the boys the other night about the dangers of drugs, and one of the symptoms I was trying to use was teeth could fall out.  Sam got a big smile on his face, so I asked "Would that be funny, to lose your teeth because of the drugs"?  He told me "No, but they would get a lot of tooth fairy money"...and gave me his big grin.  

He did a good job presenting a book report which including decorating this pumpkin below as an elephant.  

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Cub Scout Fall Campout (Pensacola, FL)

Our home away from home.  We were not the first in the field, but the 2nd to arrive in Pensacola on the Naval Air Station for a weekend scouting adventure.  Weather was great when we arrived in the 80s.  I was looking forward to a warmer camping trip.  Tent set up, so off me and the boys went exploring.  Our first adventure was the Pensacola lighthouse, where we climbed 177 steps to the top then walked around the outside of the lighthouse.  Needless to say, I was about to puke, and completely terrified as Sam and Davis were unaware of "unseen forces" and have yet been terrified by them.  Luckily we did have someone to take our picture, and someone that could take them without shaking.

That night we had to cook our own supper at the campsite, so Sam, Davis and I went to IHOP to enjoy some pancakes and omelettes...you know...we were roughing it.  The next morning was a fun time playing around the campsite.  We also woke up to 60 degree weather and 15 mph winds.  The start of a very chilly day.  Our campsite got pretty busy, I cooked the boys some pop tarts for breakfast.  Davis got a pirate eyepatch at the lighthouse, so that is what he is wearing for pretty much the remainder of this trip.     

Later the next morning we took at tour of Fort Barrancas...built by the Spanish in the 1700s, and fortified by us later in the 1800s, it was one of the main forts protecting the Pensacola bay area during the civil war.  It was really fun to tour.

After the fort, we went back to the campsite for lunch, where I cooked the boys some Wendy's and thoroughly enjoyed the Son of Baconator sandwich.  This close to civilization, I could not make myself eat a ham sandwich.  Next we went to the Naval Air Museum.

The scouts all had a scavenger hunt, which easily kept Sam 100% engaged.  Davis wanted to get into every plane he could find.  Lost Sam for awhile as he hunted for planes, and as I was looking for him ran into the Rawls from our church family.  They helped me find Sam.  Sam had found one of the museum experts that was helping him answer all of his scavenger hunt questions.  He was a big fan of the planes that were flown by the Americans against the Japanese prior to Pearl Harbor.  The americans were flying under Chinese banners with a large tiger on the tail of the plane.  

After the museum, we went back to a very cold and windy campsite.  The boys did well even though they were ready for bed at 7.  They both performed in our Wolf skit around the campfire, and Sam even volunteered to speak the punchline in our skit.  He did great!  He has really came out of his shell a lot over the last year, and I am enjoying watching him growing into a young man.  Back in the tent, we fell asleep pretty fast, but at one time the wind was so hard that the wall of the tent was basically on our head.

The next morning I was up at 6 silently packing up everything I could, then as soon as the boys were up, I packed the rest.  Tent packed and in car by 7.  Then we had a great sunrise service on the beach.  We read verses from the creation about land and seas, and pretty cool to be at a place right on the border.

After the sunrise service, we went to eat breakfast at the Navy Galley.  The boys had a great time eating with all of the "army guys".  We said goodbye to the Cudes that were able to join us from their new home in Dothan, then ran off to a worship service in Pensacola.

And for our final destination...the USS Alabama.  The boys were almost cheering as we watched the GPS go under 10 miles to the Battleship.  It was very exciting.  Sam had our trip planned out.  He said we would tour the submarine, then eat, then tour the battleship.  I must say this is the first time I have ever toured the park in this manner, but it was fun.  I found some pictures from the last time the boys were here in 2010.  

These old pictures are also on the 2010 May blog list if you want to see all of them, but I found a few of the boys in the exact same places.  Pretty funny.  Sam rode the simulator below all by himself, as Davis was a little scared.  I found an army lady named Betty that started flirting with me.  Sam captured the moment and we all laughed when we tricked Mom later that it wasn't a real person.  :)  Sam also asked me later if Auburn and Florida were for the "USS Alabama"...I thought that was funny. 

Man, I miss those little guys, but sure do like the big guys they are now.  :)

We decided to take some goofy pictures and these were my favorites...

And I was super excited to see that Colonel Frazier was here again signing this time a revised version of his book.  "Hell's Guest" can be purchased on Amazon.com, and is an amazing story of a 16 year old kid lying to the draft agent, getting shipped to the phillipenes, captured by the Japanese, marched to Bataan, then beaten as a POW for years.  He is an excellent story teller, and had me laughing and amazed at his tales that I got to listen to while Sam and Davis did their souvenir shopping.  Great to meet a hero of our country, and hope he is there for our next visit.

Back home we got to give the princess here new dolphin necklace and jewelry.  Davis got to build his airplane.  Sam was wearing his new Battleship shirt, and after seeing his toes with no bath over the weekend, Magan ran us stinky boys to the shower.